Chapter 17: Pampering the Young Lady of the Marquis Mansion (17)

After all, she should be sleeping with Lian Anran in a sweet embrace right now.

Lian Qiao snorted lightly: [Heh, Su Sui is defending his family and country!Compared to him, is Su Yu considered a man? ]
While taking advantage of the original owner's feelings, he has a fierce fight with Lian Anran. Such a man who has no responsibility wants to compare with Su Sui?
Does he have keys and how many?
Before binding the system, Lian Qiao admired soldiers very much.After binding the system, she met Su Sui.

I have to say that a responsible man is really handsome.

Su Sui left for half a year.

Within half a year, Lianqiao's stores opened one after another, and soon they opened out of Shangjing and to many other places.Where the store opened, Lian Qiao would also build a school, using the money earned from the store to train those children, it would be considered a good talk.

Later, Lian Qiao not only built a school, but also built a nursing home for the elderly who had no children and no financial resources.

Lian Qiao's reputation was completely spread.

[Host, how does it feel to be rich? ] The system asked cheaply.

At that time, Lian Qiao was sitting in front of the window with her chin propped in a daze. [It’s really cool, after all, 90.00% of the things in the world can be solved with money.Even sometimes it's quite annoying, you see I'm such a rich woman, and I'm so pretty, I have to bring dozens of guards every time I go out. ]
The system nodded: [I also have this kind of trouble. Every time I meet with other systems, I worry that they will steal my little money! ]

Lian Qiaole: [Your system is also short of money? ]

[Of course, our system also needs regular maintenance. How can maintenance and upgrades be free? ]
[Hahaha, aren't you invincible then? ]
[No, they are very low-key! ]

Lian Qiao: "..." Hehe, low-key, your name is still rich and powerful! ?
When Mobei was fighting, Shangjing felt nothing at all.

The common people are still busy with their livelihoods, and the women of the aristocratic families still dress themselves up beautifully.And those sons and gentlemen, they still recite poems and compose couples happily and unrestrainedly.

Lian Qiao just missed Su Sui more and more, wanted to see him, wanted to see him, wanted to see him intact.

In early February, Lian Anran gave birth to a boy.As in the original plot, she and Su Yu are still in love.The hero and heroine will always live happily together, won't they.

When the spring was warm and the flowers were blooming, Lian Anran sent a post, saying that there would be a flower viewing banquet in the general's mansion, and the ninth princess would also come.

Lian Qiao is not in the mood to deal with Lian Anran now, so she directly refuses.Besides, the general also went to the front line, Lian Qiao didn't know whether to say that the world is indifferent, or Lian Anran and his wife are too indifferent.

Su Sui and General Sui fought for the common people. Everyone only knew that after the war was settled, their military exploits would increase and they would be loved by others, but they didn't know that they fought for this honor with their lives.Taking a step back, they are not doing it for glory, but for a sense of responsibility and mission.

In short, when the armor is worn on the body, their whole body is shining.

[Host, I borrowed a prop from my good buddy, which can detect the host's love value, do you want to play it? ] The system is coquettish and cute, well, it has a showdown, mainly because it wants to play more.

Lian Qiao just put Su Nan to sleep and went back to her room, she curled her lips when she heard what the system said: [Love value?Am I in love? Where is the value of love without love? ]

It was not easy for her to leave the Houfu with a thigh in her arms, but this thigh did not return for a long time, which was really depressing for her.

The system thinks it makes sense, but when it checks, [Host, are you in love with him?Your love value is full! ]

Lian Qiao: […] Why don't the slaps come so fast!


(End of this chapter)

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