Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 171 The male supporting role is a good sword

Chapter 171 The male supporting role, he is a good swordplayer (29)

Li Wangchen naturally knows what happened in Qingluan Kingdom in recent days.It's just that he knows that he knows, and he really can't spare to deal with it.Taking a step back, this is a predestined disaster for Ming Xiao and others. If he intervenes, it will be bad for Ming Xiao and the others.

So he took a sip of his tea and said, "Actually, everyone has weaknesses, and Mingxiu is no exception. Have you ever thought about what he wants? Unless a person has no desires, there will definitely be flaws."

What she said was mysterious, for a while, Lian Qiao covered her mouth in surprise. "What he wants is Nalan Qingyao?"

Li Wangchen was a little surprised that Lian Qiao could guess, after all, although Mingxiu had an obsession with Nalan Qingyao, he hid it very deeply.

That being the case, Li Wangchen didn't hide it. "So this is the tribulation of love between the three of them. If you want to break this calamity, there must be someone who quits."

Taking a step back, why did the Ghost Lord find Mingxiu?
It is because of the emotional entanglement of the three people from life to life, and Mingxiu's deep obsession, that's why he can see the ghost king at night and even reach an agreement.

"Love robbery? Quit?" After Lian Qiao relayed the words of the sect master to Ming Xiao, he almost swears. "If he wants to quit, he will quit! Didn't you see that we are in love with each other! Besides, I don't feel that the three of us are in love. Isn't that guy Mingxiu dedicated to his career? Get a star-absorbing Dafa in his hand and follow him It’s like zooming in, and no grass will grow wherever it goes!”

Lian Qiao thought for a while, "Maybe there is something hidden in it? By the way, the sect master asked you to try to eliminate his obsession first. If it doesn't work, just wait until I reach the sixth star. Don't ask, even if I ask, I don't know why it is. Six stars!"

"Then you'd better work hard to get to six stars!" Ming Xiao had already broken the can, "Anyway, I don't want to know what happened to them in their previous lives. I didn't ask, isn't this looking for abuse?"

After all, he didn't participate in what happened in the previous life, how could he know what Ming Xiao did in the previous life.

Ming Xiao was still swearing during the day that he would never ask what happened in his previous life, but he was slapped in the face at night.

When Mingxiao went back to the room at night, he suddenly found Nalan Qingyao faintly crying from the back room. He was startled, and strode to the bedside.

On the bed, Nalan Qing shrank into a ball, her shoulders trembled slightly, obviously crying.

Ming Xiao felt a sudden pain in her heart, just as she was about to hug her, she heard Nalan Qingyao raving: "Don't... Mingxiu don't, please let me go... Please..."

What kind of torture in the previous life made a proud girl like Nalan Qingyao say such begging words.

Ming Xiao still held her in his arms, he patted Nalan Qingyao on the back, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, it's okay, it's all over..."

Has it passed? Mingxiao doesn't think so.

If Nalan Qingyao had a nightmare when he came back from the library of the Ming family that day, then it can be understood as a momentary excitement when he saw Ming Xiu.But several months have passed since that day, and Nalan Qingyao's mood has been very stable these past few months, why today...

In Mingxiao's arms, Nalan Qingyao probably felt at ease, gradually calmed down, stopped talking, and then fell into a deep sleep.

After Nalan Qingyao fell asleep, Ming Xiao immediately called the servants who served her today to the yard. "Say, has anyone looked for the eldest lady today?"

Several servants looked at each other, and one of them knelt down and replied: "As for the young master, the second lady came here today and left after sitting for an hour. But after she left, the eldest lady seemed a little unhappy."


(End of this chapter)

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