Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 177 The male supporting role is a good sword

Chapter 177 The male supporting role, he is a good swordplayer (35)

"If you don't consummate the house now, how can I take you to the Nine Heavens?"

"It's not the best time to consummate with me at this moment, but it's the last time. Gods and people cannot be together, but if you practice double cultivation with me, it will help you quickly break through the ten stars, and you can also ascend to a god after cultivating human form. .”

"Qiaoqiao, in this whole world, you are the first one to become a god by relying on dual cultivation."

Lian Qiao: "..."

At the moment when the distance between the two of them was really negative, Lian Qiao couldn't help shouting.

At that time, her mind was full of Li Wangchen's words, why gods and people can't be together, why she can become a god by relying on dual cultivation, and...he called her Qiaoqiao?

Lian Qiaoliu frowned slightly, and her voice was soft and waxy: "Do you know my name?"

"Isn't it?" Li Wangchen's eyes darkened slightly, "That day when you came to my dream, you said your name was Lianqiao. That dream was so real that I believed it was real."

"But my name is Lian Qiao."

"So, it's a tacit understanding."


The room is full of charm.

(I also want to drive, but the core values ​​​​of socialism do not allow it.)
At the same time, people from the five major families gathered in the meeting hall of Nalan's house.

There was a sudden thunder outside the house, and everyone's expressions were solemn.

"Born with a vision, I'm afraid something big is about to happen." Mingwei coughed lightly, "What do you think it will be?"

At that time, Yuan Yu snorted coldly, "Why are you pretending to be a pure and ignorant little white flower? I think it's because you are practicing star-absorbing Dafa. God can't stand it and wants to punish you! Mingwei, you indulge the younger generation to do evil, be careful and get thundered when you go out." Chop to death!"

Ming Wei was scolded for a while, and immediately retorted: "I don't have the same knowledge as a woman like you. If you have a vision today, the Noah Continent may be in danger. The higher the spiritual power at the critical moment, the higher the chance of survival. Yuan Yu, You are such a hot chicken, if you die, you will die first!"


Yuan Yu was so angry that just as he was about to curse back, he heard Nalan He say: "Okay, stop arguing! According to the reports of the people, someone saw black mist at the mass grave in the north of the city, and it was getting thicker and thicker. Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever thought that it is the ghost king who is going to break through the barrier!"

Since the creation of the Noah Continent, in order to protect human beings, it has been stipulated that there is an enchantment between the human and ghost worlds. Ghosts are not allowed to enter the human world at will, and gods are not allowed to have relationships with humans.

But now the ghost king actually wants to break through the barrier...

Nalan Qingyao frowned: "There is no precedent for this matter, and it is impossible for humans to defeat the ghost king."

Besides, such a horrible thing never happened in the previous life.

"Humans can't, but gods can." Mingxiu pursed his lips, "I can write all the moves of absorbing stars, and whoever can break through ten stars first can save everyone."

He originally wanted to force Ming Xiao to quit, and even killed him to avoid future troubles.But in the face of the catastrophe, the love between children seems so insignificant.

Ming Xiao clenched his fists when he mentioned the method of attracting stars. "Do you think it's too late? It took you so long to rise to two stars. By the time someone reaches ten stars, we'd all be dead."

"Then what do you say!"

"Isn't the sect master the closest to becoming a god?" Ming Xiao paused, "Maybe I can contact him."

"You can?" Not to mention Xiu, even Nalan He and Nalan Qingyao were surprised.

Who is the gatekeeper?That's a mysterious figure who can't see the end of the dragon!
Ming Xiao coughed lightly, "I have a cousin, who is the owner of the sect... Mrs."

Everyone: "!"

Ming Xiao thought to himself: Cousin Lian Qiao, can you fight for yourselves, the life and death of the entire continent is betting on you!

(End of this chapter)

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