Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 304 Stuck in the novel written by the supporting actor

Chapter 304 Stuck in the novel written by the supporting actor (16)

In five years, the child gave her the courage to live.

"I'm sore!" Chi Huan covered his stomach with a hot water bottle, and lay on the sofa with envious eyes. "Qianyu has never kissed me before, am I not Qianyu's favorite godmother!"

"Okay, you can eat this kind of flying vinegar." Tang Youran hung the bag on the shelf, let the two children go back to the room to play, and then took out all the bank cards, passbooks, and an account from the drawer notebook.

Seeing her posture, Chi Huan couldn't help frowning: "What are you doing? How did you settle the bill properly?"

Tang Youran sighed softly, and told everything that happened in Xiangmanyuan. "Forget it, let's take it as a waste of money and eliminate disasters. In the future, you will learn a lot of wisdom, and you must stay calm when you encounter problems!"

For example, she had a tussle with Liu Yi today, and the result was that she ruined the dress of the little princess of the Qiu family.

After listening to Tang Youran's explanation, Chi Huan was silent for a while, and said after a while: "According to what you said, 50 is indeed the result of Miss Qiu's soft heart. But Tang Tang, how do you have so much money?"

He lived abroad with his children for five years, and he had a debt of 50 yuan as soon as he returned to Nansha City.Moreover, Tang Youran has not officially joined the Song Corporation, and it will be a month before the salary is paid.

"You really have many disasters." Chi Huan shook his head helplessly, then took out a card from his bag and gave it to her. "I can't help you much. The 5 yuan is all my savings."

Chi Huan and Tang Youran are the same age, also 23 years old, Tang Youran is the mother of two children, and Chi Huan has only graduated from university for a year.

Tang Youran felt that this card was hot. "I can't take this money. You still have to pay the mortgage. The three of us, mother and son, live in your house, and now you have managed to save this money..."

How dare she accept it.

"Don't talk about this between us, just take it." Chi Huan covered his eyes with an eyepatch, his tone slightly melancholy. "But what about the remaining hundreds of thousands?"

Tang Youran pursed her lips: "Let's take it one step at a time, there are still three months. If it doesn't work, I can only ask Dr. Zhou to borrow some, and then I will make money and return it to him."

When Zhou Yu was mentioned, Chi Huan suddenly regained his spirits, pulled off the blindfold and looked at Tang Youran with a slightly wretched look. "Dr. Zhou has been chasing you for five years. Tang Tang, are you really not tempted? Think about it. Doctor Zhou is handsome and rich, with a good temper and good character. The key is to treat you wholeheartedly and treat the child well. You say How many times have you rejected him, why don't you give it a try?"

When Chi Huan was in college, he went abroad to see Tang Youran, and met Zhou Yu once on the way.For Zhou Yu, if one hundred points is a perfect score, she is willing to give five hundred points!
"Tang Tang, why don't you give it a try. What if you get emotional everywhere? Then you will be Mrs. Zhou, and I will be a friend of the rich woman!"

Tang Youran: "..."

Regarding Zhou Yu, Tang Youran can only say that he is a very good man. "He's nice, but I don't like him. It wouldn't be fair to him if I agreed to be with him because I was moved."

Life is so long, it cannot be settled.

Chi Huan only felt a headache: "Tang Tang, you always use this excuse to fool me. Then who do you like? What if you don't meet?"

"It's fine if you don't meet them. I still have two children, and I won't be alone for the rest of my life."

Chi Huan was in a complicated mood: "It's so annoying, these two beautiful babies belong to you, and Dr. Zhou also likes you. When will I meet my right fate! Why doesn't the country pay for the distribution? I'll go now Is there still time for the Civil Affairs Bureau to line up!"

 Chapter 4 today~
  good night~~
(End of this chapter)

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