Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 310 Stuck in the novel written by the supporting actor

Chapter 310 Stuck in the novel written by the supporting actor (22)

After seeing off all the guests, Song Guangqi's face turned gloomy. "Say, what the hell is going on here?"

Who caused the trouble!
In front of all the Qiu family members, Song Lun was very obedient: "I'm not, I don't, it has nothing to do with me!"

Lian Qiao nodded along with the excitement: "Yeah."

Song Lun fondled her head.

Qiu Mu: "..."

The dog food here is being sprinkled happily, but Song Nanshan is puzzled.

This is not his child!
At that time, Tang Qianyu was sitting on a small stool, surrounded by a group of people and looking at him.

Song Nanshan asked: "Son, tell the truth, who is your father?"

Tang Qianyu was sure at first, but now he's not sure anymore.So he shook his head: "I don't know either."

Everyone: "..."

The engagement banquet of my precious daughter was almost ruined, Qiu Dongxiang was unhappy at first. "There is no proof in your words. I suggest that you two brothers go for a paternity test. It is related to Qiaoqiao's happiness. It is better to be cautious. If it is found out that it is Song Lun's, then don't blame me for turning my face and denying people. If it is Song Nanshan, your family affairs have nothing to do with me."

When the father-in-law spoke, Song Lun still nodded obediently.

Lian Qiao also joined in the fun and nodded.

Chi Huan really didn't expect to lose a child in the blink of an eye.She was sweating anxiously, and asked Tang Qianxun: "Xiao Xun, do you know where my brother went? Why did he disappear suddenly?"

The two children are very well-behaved on weekdays, and Tang Qianyu never makes people worry about it.

Tang Qianxun smiled sweetly: "Godmother, brother said that he is going to expose the true face of the villain father!"

"Father? True face?"

What the hell?
Chi Huan grabbed Tang Qianxun's arm, wondering: "Xiao Xun, what are you talking about? Where did your brother go?"

"Brother said he was going to expose the true face of the villain dad!"

"Xiao Xun, can you be more specific?

"Godmother, in fact, I can't understand my brother's words."

Chi Huan: "..."

When Chi Huan called Tang Youran, Tang Youran was going through the entry procedures at the Song Corporation.Hurrying back from the Song family in a hurry, Tang Qianyu had already been taken to the hospital.

"Generally, the paternity test takes three to five days to get the results. If there is an urgent need, it can be done within one day." After receiving the message from Qiu Mu, Zhou Yu drove to the hospital. "By the way, who do you do it for?"

Zhou Yu was absent from Lian Qiao's engagement banquet because he was going to attend a relatively important academic seminar, and naturally he also missed the scene of recognizing his father.

When he came to the hospital and saw someone, he frowned: "Xiao Yu? Why are you here?"

When Tang Qianyu saw Zhou Yu, he felt a little guilty.

"Tang Qianyu, does your mother know that you came to the hospital?" Although Zhou Yu didn't wait for an answer, he was sure that Tang Youran didn't know about it.

After calling Tang Youran, Zhou Yu's vigilant eyes swept over Qiu Mu and the two brothers of the Song family.When her eyes swept across Lian Qiao, Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows: "Don't look at me, this matter has nothing to do with me."

Zhou Yu hummed.

In fact, Song Lun and Lian Qiao knew who the child belonged to.But they know it, others don't.So the two could only wait on the side, waiting for Tang Youran to come over, while discussing what to have for dinner.

As he talked, he said he was hungry.

Song Lun couldn't wait any longer, so he had a showdown with Zhou Yu: "Director Zhou, this kid ran to my engagement banquet and called me Dad. I thought to myself, isn't this a wrongdoing? Besides, this kid looks more like my brother." In order to find out the truth, we had to come to the hospital for a paternity test.

By the way, Qiaoqiao is hungry, why don't you take blood for me first, and we'll have dinner after the collection. "


(End of this chapter)

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