Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 327 Stuck in the novel written by the supporting actor

Chapter 327 Stuck in the novel written by the supporting actor (39)

Chi Huan almost screamed like a groundhog!
My best friend fell in love with the child's father, isn't this the best result after going around for a while!
And... her best friend's husband's younger brother is her idol!
Rounding up means that she has succeeded in chasing stars!

Chi Huan was excited here, but Tang Youran was a little embarrassed.

She is very clear about her feelings and knows that she doesn't like Zhou Yu, so she never gave him unnecessary hopes.I also know... After three months of getting along with her, she was tempted.

Whether it is his meticulous care of the child, or his gentleness and courtesy to her.Whether it's being lazy at home, or being vigorous and resolute in the company.The closer you get to him, the more fascinated she is.

But what makes Tang Youran feel a little bit sad now is... Song Nanshan agreed to marry her because of a responsibility.

Tang Youran was struggling, Lian Qiao and Song Lun had already entered the Song family.

"Is it bad for me to come in like this?"

Song Lun chuckled, and put an arm casually around her shoulder. "Grandma, this is my house. Is it possible that I need to be notified by the housekeeper when I go home? Besides, my parents are out on a trip. This weekend, only my brother's family of four will be at home."

The two children were playing upstairs, and Song Nanshan was reading newspapers in the living room.So after Song Lun entered the living room, he said directly: "Miss Tang, we have something to do with her."

"What's the matter?" Song Nanshan never knew that Song Lun and Tang Youran were still in touch.

"It's not a big deal, but more than three months ago, Ms. Tang stained one of Qiaoqiao's dresses, and she agreed to pay 50 yuan. Now that the time is up, I will accompany Qiaoqiao to pay for the debt."

Song Lun finished all the words, just to avoid direct contact between Lian Qiao and Song Nanshan.

Sure enough, Song Nanshan's eyes darkened slightly, and he looked at Song Lun quietly: "What are you kidding?"

"I'm not kidding, I'm here today to ask for money!"

"Do you think I'm short of 50? This amount of money is worth asking for debts when you go out early in the morning?"

Song Nanshan's complexion was not very good, and Song Lun said again: "Brother, you don't need 50 yuan, but Ms. Tang is not necessarily. When you are short of money, do you think Ms. Tang will ask Director Zhou for help, or ask you for help?" Woolen cloth?"

Song Nanshan frowned, as if thinking about something.After a while, he said, "Zhou Yu is still in Nansha City today, right?"

"That's right, so Ms. Tang may not ask you to borrow it." With a chuckle, Song Lun said quietly: "Brother, the reason you keep saying you want to marry someone is just because you are responsible. I admit that you are a very responsible person." Men, but Director Zhou can not only raise children, but also loves him deeply. So, you should think about whether you like Miss Tang or not.

Brother, I can only help you so far.I still have to find others to ask for debts, so I left. "

As soon as the debtors got up, they heard Song Nanshan say: "The money will be transferred to your account later."

Song Lun didn't look back, but turned his back to Song Nanshan and made an OK gesture.

After the two left, Song Nanshan sat on the sofa for a while before getting up and going upstairs to the door of Tang Youran's room.

knock knock knock.

There was a knock on the door of the room.

"Come in." Tang Youran thought it was Tang Qianyu or Tang Qianxun, so she didn't stop what she was doing.

Bank cards, passbooks, and a small notebook for keeping accounts were all placed on the table. Song Nanshan only glanced at them and said, "What are you doing?"

Hearing it was his voice, Tang Youran was startled, and quickly stood up to block the things on the table with her body.


(End of this chapter)

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