Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 33 The villain listens to the chapter, I am your aunt

Chapter 33 The villain is obedient, I am your aunt (8)

Shen Zhao pursed his lips, turned around boldly, and pulled Lian Qiao into his arms.

Just hug him for one night, the last night, even if Lian Qiao blames him when he wakes up tomorrow, he has no regrets.


A certain idea takes root and sprouts in the mind, and then grows wildly.

Shen Zhao thought, there is no blood relationship, she is just two years older than him.

He hugged Lianqiao as if he was holding his most precious treasure, sneaky, and worried about being snatched away by others.

Song Lianqiao is the only sweet in Shen Zhao's life.


The next morning, when Lian Qiao woke up, there was no sign of Shen Zhao on the bed.

She slipped back to her room wrapped in a bath towel, got dressed and washed, and saw Shen Zhao sitting on the dining table like a baby.

The two tacitly kept silent about what happened last night.

"You did it?" Lian Qiao took the lead in provoking the topic.

On the dining table are two bowls of hot noodles, sprinkled with green onions and an egg.Lian Qiao was a little surprised. In the original plot, the original owner cooks, and it was not mentioned that he can also cook.

Shen Zhao lowered his eyes and did not speak.

After sitting down, Lian Qiao picked up the chopsticks and took a sip: "..."

What is this salty and sweet thing?
She can understand cooking noodles with salt to taste, why add sugar?

There are many question marks in Lian Qiao's mind.

"Is it tasty?"

Lian Qiao: "..." This torture from the soul made her bald.

With a light cough, Lian Qiao quietly said in order not to hurt Shen Zhao's self-confidence: "It's okay, you can try it."

Shen Zhao picked up the chopsticks, and in the next second: "..."


My aunt is worthy of being my aunt, she can speak such nonsense.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and Shen Zhao, who was the first in the grade, couldn't handle it.

Lian Qiao sighed softly, "Forget it, let me cook."

In the original plot, the original owner has been silently taking care of Shen Zhao, taking care of his basic necessities of life, taking care of all the trivial matters in his life.

As for Shen Zhao, he desperately worked part-time to make money in his spare time to support the two of them in their studies.

There is quite a sense of déjà vu where the hero is the outsider and the woman is the inside.

The small kitchen is very small, and it will be crowded if two people stand in it at this time.

Lian Qiao poured water into the pot to boil, then said, "Go out, nephew." Staying here won't help.

Shen Zhao scratched his head, he looked naive, not half as dark and hostile as a villain in the original plot. "I want to learn."

Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows, "I don't think you have talent."

"I can learn."

Without talent, he can work hard.

"Why do you suddenly want to learn to cook?"

Shen Zhao was silent for a while.I don't know why, Song Lianqiao seems to be different now, which makes him feel like he is really a great nephew.After a while, he said: "Your grades are too bad, you shouldn't waste your time on these trivial matters."

Lian Qiao: "..."

cao ah!
Which pot is not open to mention which pot! !

Lian Qiao was so angry that she akimbo.

The water boiled, and while she put the noodles into the boiling water, she hated iron and said: "I'll tell you that you will end up alone forever, straight man!"

"I am telling the truth."

"It's true, but can't you say something to make me happy?"

Shen Zhao didn't speak, and seemed to feel that he was indeed a little more straightforward.

But he thought about it over and over last night. He wanted to help Song Lianqiao with tutoring, and wanted her to be admitted to university. He wanted to give Song Lianqiao a hopeful future!

"If you spend more time studying, we can go to the same university in the future." Shen Zhao, who is about 1.8 meters tall, looked down at Lian Qiaojiao's beautiful face. "And if girls don't study, they will be arrested and married and have a second child."

Lian Qiao: "..."

cao ah!
What kind of magical brain circuit is this?
Although it sounds reasonable.

"But why the second child?"

"Because after giving birth to one, there will be another one."

Lian Qiao: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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