Chapter 341 This prince is not simple (5)

Lian Qiao doesn't want to marry anymore.

As a result, the emperor couldn't help thinking that if she really went to Guang'an Temple to pray, how would she explain to the Hua family?
Thinking of this, the emperor's attitude was almost kind. "Hua Lianqiao, we can discuss further. The wrong marriage is an accident, and we must not let this accident destroy the good fortune of our Jingzhao Kingdom."

Lian Qiao flicked her sleeves, keeping strangers away.

"Miss Hua, I can promise to treat you as before. If you violate today's oath, Jing Xiao is willing to plead guilty to the Hua family and let you deal with it." Although Jing Xiao is the younger brother of the current emperor, he is about the same age as Crown Prince Jing Jue.

Lian Qiao didn't understand how he managed to take care of the overall situation so well.It doesn't matter if the bride is changed, and it doesn't matter if the bride is changed back.

Jing Xiao's attitude made Shu Yuxi even more uneasy.She bit her lip and struggled: "Prince Regent, this is inappropriate..."

Lian Qiao really wanted to agree to Jing Xiao, and she was mad at Shu Yuxi, the white lotus.

But thinking of her Gu poison technique, there is no one in the Prince Regent's Palace who can dispel Gu poison like the prince...

Lian Qiao coughed lightly, thinking that it would be better for her to stay away from disputes and be a wealthy idler, and it would not be too late to avenge the original owner when the time is right.

So Lian Qiao insisted on going to Guang'an Temple to pray for blessings, and she didn't want the prince and regent!

The emperor sighed softly, knowing that he must have offended the Hua family this time.

"Since that's the case, Feng Huajian is King Jian, Huajian's wife, Sun, is Yipin's Madam, and Hua Lianqiao is Princess Changning. Princess Changning and the Regent are reconciled, and after three months of praying in Guang'an Temple, they can reunite." Find a good man."

This is raising the position of the Hua family. As for whether he can find a husband again, it is not a matter for the emperor to consider.

Lian Qiao thinks it's not bad, thank you for the order.

Jing Jue took a deep look at Lian Qiao, and felt that the arrogance in her was not as mediocre as the rumors said.

Jing Jue originally planned to protect Lian Qiao's position as the crown princess, but found that this position was not good.

So he also let Lian Qiao go to Guang'an Temple to pray.

Just pray for blessings, and he will go with him, right?

No one stipulated that the prince could not go to Guang'an Temple.

Let's talk about finding a lover?Have him good?
The Hua family has made arrangements, and then let the saintess re-enter the East Palace.

Jing Jue raised his eyebrows suddenly, and sat aside with Lian Qiao, quietly waiting for Shu Yuxi to speak.

"The wrong marriage is absurd. The saint will enter the East Palace tomorrow."

Jing Xiao was eager to send her away immediately: "Your Majesty, let's send her off today without delay!"

Jing Jue couldn't hold back, and laughed softly.

Shu Yuxi's face was white and black.

Speaking of which, it was Lian Qiao who took her position as the princess concubine, but the prince had already touched Lian Qiao, but Jing Xiao didn't touch her with a single finger, and sent her away eagerly.

Who is more frustrated?

For a whole night, Jing Xiao defended her like a thief.Numerous guards guarded the wedding room, afraid of what she would do.Then at dawn, he brought her to Yongkang Palace, and kept saying that he didn't mind going in one after another.

Shu Yuxi was really angry with Jing Xiao.

Although Jing Jue hid it well, Lian Qiao who was sitting next to her still heard the laughter. "So happy?"

Jing Jue heard a hint of cold tone, coughed lightly, and explained in a low voice: "How can I, if I want to marry her, I won't touch you last night."

Jing Jue doesn't want to marry Shu Yuxi, why?

Lian Qiao didn't understand, but she still withdrew her thoughts and watched the show.

Sure enough, Shu Yuxi had no choice but to speak when Jing Jue kept refusing.


(End of this chapter)

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