Chapter 343 This prince is not simple (7)

This is really uncomfortable.

Jing Jue frowned, and said to Lian Qiao: "If you don't want to drink, you don't have to."

It doesn't matter if you don't want the seat of the crown princess, and it's even more impossible for the side concubine, but isn't Bizitang a bit humiliating?

Lian Qiao shook her head. "I drink."

It's boring if you don't drink too much, as if she wants to conceive the prince's child with a stern face.

Jing Jue didn't know what emotion she should be in, whether she should say that Lian Qiao was sensible, or whether she didn't want to have anything to do with him at all.

Bizi Tang was brought up by the maid, and it was more or less embarrassing to drink a bowl of Bizi Tang in front of everyone.

Lian Qiao was just about to go to get it, but found that a hand had already taken the white porcelain bowl before her.

In the next second, Lian Qiao saw Jing Jue raised her head slightly, and drank half a bowl of Bizi soup dignifiedly and gracefully in the shock of everyone.

It was the first time Lian Qiao encountered such a scene.

Jing Jue handed her the remaining half bowl of Bizi Tang, "Do you still drink it?"

If he didn't drink it, he drank it all.

Lian Qiao: "..."

Lian Qiao thought to herself, Jing Jue should do well in bringing goods.After all, even a big man like him can drink Bizi Tang to taste delicious in the world.

The rest of Bizi Tang Lianqiao drank it, to be honest, she was a little tired.

This plane is too unfriendly to her, so she should pack up her things and go to Guang'an Temple to pray for blessings.

After she has rested and rectified, she will come back and bite Shu Yuxi to death!

When Lian Qiao returned to the East Palace to pack her things, the imperial decree had already been sent to Hua's family, and the news of the wrong marriage spread throughout the capital with the help of Shu Yuxi.

After the wrong marriage, Shu Yuxi became the regent princess, but the daughter of the Hua family went to Guang'an Temple.So even though Jian was crowned king on the bright side, the common people still felt that Lian Qiao was at a disadvantage.

"What will the princess do in the future? I heard that Shougongsha is gone. In the future, no man is willing to marry a broken shoe and go home!"

"That's right, I wouldn't take it even if the Hua family backed it. What's more, Hua Lianqiao doesn't know anything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so she can be the princess?"


The common people gathered in the street to discuss, when suddenly a carriage opened the curtain, Mrs. Sun scolded directly to the outside: "You don't need to worry about what to do with my Qiaoqiao family! The Hua family's property is enough for Qiaoqiao to squander a lifetime to support a whole house of pretty boys, She will be comfortable not having to serve men for the rest of her life! It's really easy to worry about eating carrots.

On the contrary, you, the children are almost unable to support you, but you still have the nerve to be here, and you are not afraid of thunder when it rains!

Oh, by the way, what's wrong with playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, you guys?If you don’t understand it, then it’s a fart. Even if you understand it, you have to come to my shop to buy things.If you have the ability, be tough today and say that you will never buy anything from the Hua family in the future, otherwise you will sew your mouth shut! "

The Sun family is Hua Jian's original partner. The two walked out of a poor mountain village, started from nothing, and eventually became imperial merchants.Sun's temper is notoriously hot, and anyone who dares to provoke her can scold others in the street for three days and three nights!

Sun put down the curtain, folded her arms around her chest and said coldly: "I just said that Qiaoqiao won't be allowed to marry the regent, but you must say that the emperor's order is hard to break. Now it's over, and hard to break is also broken."

Hua Jian didn't speak, he had a headache.

"Speak up! King Jian is amazing! You are a king with a different surname in exchange for your daughter's life's happiness, shame on you!"

Hua Jian was a handsome young man when he was young, otherwise, Sun would not have given up on brother Tieniu, who was able to hoe and hunt in the next village, and chose him who could not carry his shoulders and resist.


(End of this chapter)

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