Chapter 347 This prince is not simple (11)

Lian Qiao is praying at Guang'an Temple on the mountain. Although she is not in the capital, her story is still circulating in the capital.

The storyteller has already compiled the wrong marriage into a story book, and the teahouse and restaurant are full.

"Have you heard that His Royal Highness has gone to Guang'an Temple and hasn't come back yet."

"Yes, yes, I've heard that too! A few days ago, some people said that the crown prince looked down on the princess, so I'm speechless now. If the princess really becomes the princess, then the Hua family will be great!"

Starting from nothing to become a Marquis and then to become a King, it is simply a skyrocketing career.

After the three-month blessing period expired, when Lian Qiao left Guang'an Temple, the abbot gave her a peace talisman. "Princess, I won't send you off."

Lian Qiao blessed the blessing, and smiled slightly: "Thank you abbot for your guidance during this time, I have benefited a lot. If I have time, I will often come to the temple for a short stay, and I hope the abbot will not be disgusted by that time."

"I welcome you anytime."

Lian Qiao was sitting on the carriage back to Prince Jian's mansion, and the system reminded her: [Host host, Concubine Rong's birthday banquet will be the day after tomorrow, you can go as the princess. ]
Lian Qiao snorted: [No. ]
How can you watch a good show if you don't go, it wants to watch it!

The empress has passed away, and Concubine Rong holds the power to manage the six palaces, so although she is not an empress, she is still an existence covering the sky with one hand in the harem.

In order to celebrate his birthday, Jing Yu's son made a special trip from the frontier to the capital city, other princes brought their sons from their respective fiefs, and the daughter of the rich family who has not left the cabinet also prepared the clothes and jewelry for the birthday banquet several months in advance, which shows how much attention is paid One spot.

"Qiaoqiao, which dress will you wear to Concubine Rong's birthday party in the future?"

Sun asked the servant girl to bring more than a dozen gorgeous and exquisite dresses for her to choose from.Lian Qiao was helpless: "Mom, I won't go."

"Why don't you go? The crown prince and the princess are all going, and the regent and prince will also be present." Sun likes to be lively, and prefers to walk around the palace in decent and beautiful clothes.Because every time she swung around, the sales of jewelry and clothes in her shop would skyrocket the next day.

Lian Qiao shook her head: "I won't go. My front foot just came back from Guang'an Temple, and my back foot was dressed up to attend the birthday banquet. Those who didn't know thought I couldn't wait to seduce someone."

This kind of large-scale gathering sounds like a birthday party, but it is actually a large-scale blind date scene.Moreover, the palace banquet is the occasion where accidents are most likely to happen. It's okay if she doesn't go, but if she goes, she might be targeted by someone.

As soon as Sun felt that what Lian Qiao said made sense, she immediately stopped persuading her. "If you don't go, don't go. The new clothes are here for you. Remember to wear them."

"Okay, thank you mother."

Lian Qiao took a look at the clothes and jewelry that was delivered, and they were indeed all high-quality goods.

Although Lian Qiao didn't go to Concubine Rong's birthday banquet, the system wanted to know what happened at the palace banquet, so she asked the magic mirror system to borrow a magic mirror.

Lian Qiao was startled, "Is this the magic mirror of Snow White's stepmother?"

666 Ah!
[Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most beautiful woman in this plane? ]

Magic Mirror: [It's a dream...]
Before the magic mirror could finish speaking, Lian Qiao quietly interrupted: [Be careful I'll break you. ]
Magic Mirror: [Ah!Of course it is our beautiful host~]

System: […] Spineless!
Lian Qiao laughed, and asked the system again: [Tongzi, who is it trying to talk about?Is it the heroine of this plane? ]

[Yes host, in the setting of this plane, the beauty of the heroine Mengyao is the most outstanding.But in my heart, you are the most beautiful host! ]


(End of this chapter)

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