Chapter 357 This prince is not simple (21)

"Find a pure woman to take a bowl of heart blood to raise every day, maybe this fetus can be saved."

Heart bleed?

Shu Yuxi frowned, "Will it be bad for the child?"

Grandma grinned: "Of course not, but it is an excellent tonic. It's just that such a woman is hard to find, and you can't find it."

Where can one find such a woman?Shu Yuxi had also seen records about blood gu in ancient books, but tried dozens of women, and even used her own heart and soul to develop blood gu.

There were too many failures, Shu Yuxi simply gave up.

Shu Yuxi looked serious, "Grandma, what are the characteristics of this kind of woman? I have sought out many people, but the blood gu has not been cultivated yet. Do you think it is the wrong person, or is there something missing?
Also, she is fed with a bowl of blood from her heart every day, she is also a human being, and she probably will die within a few days. "

Shu Yuxi didn't feel sorry for others, but worried that if he couldn't find anyone, he wouldn't be able to save his child.

Grandma thought for a while, and then said: "I heard that Master Qingyuan, the abbot of Guang'an Temple in Jingzhao Kingdom, has insight, maybe he can know where such a woman is."

"Is this true?"

"Princess, I'm a grasshopper on the same rope with you, and I won't lie to you. But I also knew it by accident, and I'm not sure if it's true or not."

Shu Yuxi is already very satisfied, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, she will try her best to keep the fetus in her womb!

The concubine's pregnancy is a happy event, but Jing Xiao is frustrated in every way.

This day in the East Palace, he, who has always been prudent, actually got himself very drunk in front of Jing Jue.

"Uncle Huang, why bother? Drunkenness hurts your body." Jing Jue has injuries on his body, and he has to take the blood from his fingertips every day, so he doesn't drink at all, and only watches Jing Xiao drink the whole time.

Jing Xiao stood up unsteadily, and raised his wine glass to Jing Jue. "I don't understand, why did the prince recommend me to be the regent?"

It stands to reason that he should have taken the fief and left the capital early like other princes, "Why did you send the saint into my mansion?"

Jing Xiao doesn't believe that Jing Jue didn't know anything about the wrong marriage.Although his nephew looks innocent, he actually has deeper thoughts than anyone else.

"Uncle Huang, how many uncles who left the capital have a good death? Wouldn't it be good to stay in the capital? The most dangerous places are often the safest." Jing Jue smiled slightly, "Uncle Huang, I will never lie to you."

Outsiders only know that the power of the regent king is in the hands of the people, but they don't know that Jing Jue escorts him all the way behind the power.Without Jing Jue, Jing Xiao would have been reduced to bones long ago.

"Jue'er, what exactly do you want to do?" Jing Xiao was flustered, not knowing what Jing Jue was thinking.

The saintesses of southern Xinjiang have become his concubines, what strange things will happen next?In the three months since the wedding night, Jing Xiao has always treated Shu Yuxi with courtesy.It wasn't until a month ago... when he got drunk that the two of them got married in confusion.

Now that Shu Yuxi is pregnant, Jing Xiao feels more and more chaotic.

Jing Jue took a sip of tea and said, "Don't worry, Uncle Huang, I just give you back what originally belonged to you. The saint and the throne belong to you."

Jing Xiao: "!"

Saintess, the throne, what many people dream of, are given to him so easily?
Jing Xiao was shocked, it really wasn't that he had the intention of treason, it was the prince who did it first!
Jing Xiao didn't know how he got out of the East Palace, nor how he got back to the Prince Regent's Mansion.He only felt that his mind was in chaos. Shu Yuxi couldn't help but blame him when he saw that he smelled of alcohol: "Why do you drink so much wine? My lord is sitting down, I'll make you a bowl of hangover soup."


(End of this chapter)

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