Chapter 359 This prince is not simple (23)

Lian Qiao listened to the conversation between the two, feeling puzzled.

Shu Yuxi has a younger sister?
Lian Qiao took out Master Qingyuan's peace amulet from the purse at her waist, no matter how she looked at it, she felt that there was something ghostly about it.

At this moment, another girl's voice came from the side: "By the way, a girl went to the Prince Regent's Mansion two days ago. I heard that she not only got the money but also stayed in the Palace. I have a relative in the Palace. To do things, I said that the girl is called Wang Ermazi, and now she wears gold and silver, eats hot food, and although she is not the sister who lost the princess back then, she has already been adopted as a righteous sister."

"What a good deal. If you have a peace talisman, you will be given 100 taels of silver. I don't believe that a woman with a peace talisman would be willing to give up the 100 taels of silver!"

"That's really a fool, the kind that is so stupid!"

"What's so lofty, 100 taels is not a small sum! If it were me, I would crawl to the Prince Regent's Mansion!"

"Don't talk about climbing, I will go even if it rains with knives! You don't know how nasty that Wang Ermazi's face is, and I don't understand why Master Qingyuan gave her the peace talisman. He stole it from others, right? Don't talk about it, the more you talk about it, the more angry you get, anyway, people who don't have a safe talisman are not as smart as Wang Ermazi."


Lian Qiao, who was holding a safety talisman and not caring about 100 taels of silver: "..."

Sorry to be offended.

After Lian Qiao looked around to make sure there was no one there, she quickly stuffed the amulet into her purse, and then stuffed the purse into her bosom again.Feeling that it was not enough, Lian Qiao went to the East Palace by the way, and finally put the purse into Jing Jue's hand.

"Give it to me?"

Lian Qiaochou nodded shamelessly.

Jing Jue was even more delighted to see a crooked flower embroidered on the purse.

Such an ugly thing should not have been embroidered by the embroiderer.

Jing Jue opened it again, and inside was a peace talisman.

"Isn't this the peace talisman Master Qingyuan gave you?" Jing Jue was puzzled, "You just keep it, why did you give it to me?"

Lian Qiao smiled: "It's not for you, but for you to save it for me temporarily."

After all, it was a gift from Master Qingyuan, so it would be impolite to give it to Jing Jue directly.Then let Jing Jue save it for a while.

Jing Jue didn't understand what Lian Qiao was enjoying at the moment, let alone what Shu Yuxi was shocked about.

Two days later, when Jing Jue went to the Prince Regent's Mansion to look for Jing Xiao, a woman bumped into him irritably, the purse fell to the ground, and a corner of the peace talisman was exposed.

Jing Jue knelt down, carefully put the purse back into his sleeve, slightly displeased, and said in a deep voice, "Where did such a ignorant maid come from?"

The next second, the woman beamed with joy: "I'm not a maid, I have a peace talisman, and I'm Wang Ermazi, the righteous sister of the Princess Regent!"

Jing Jue glanced at Wang Ermazi as if looking at a monster, then at Jing Xiao and Shu Yuxi, with a clear sentence written in his eyes: Are you kidding me?
When Shu Yuxi saw Jing Jue's peace talisman, he was shocked at first, and smiled awkwardly at what Wang Ermazi said: "Let Your Highness see a joke."

Saying that, he glared at Wang Ermazi again: "Hurry up and get down!"

Only then did Wang Ermazi reluctantly turn around and leave.

The teacup had already been served, Shu Yuxi stood quietly by the side, showing no intention of avoiding it.

Jing Jue raised his eyebrows: "Aunt Huang is pregnant and shouldn't stand for a long time, how about sitting down and listening?"

Shu Yuxi smiled slightly, and when she sat down, she seemed to inadvertently ask: "Your Highness, I wonder if the peace talisman is yours or someone else gave it?"


(End of this chapter)

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