Chapter 361 This prince is not simple (25)

Fan En pushed open the door, and under the moonlight, his clothes were fluttering, and he had a sense of immortality in his haze.

A pair of peach blossom eyes twinkle slightly. When not smiling, she is cold and distant. When she smiles, her brows and eyes are curved and charming.

At this moment, Grandma Nanjiang looked at Fanen obsessively, and murmured: "Yes, yes, it's you, girl, come back to the palace with me!"

She had never seen such a beautiful girl, her appearance was even better than Shu Yuxi, the number one beauty in southern Xinjiang!

Seeing the long scars on Grandma's face, Fann covered her mouth in a pretentious manner.

Whoops, this old guy is really ugly.

Going out at night is not afraid of scaring others!
Grandma saw that the girl was frightened by herself, so she quickly softened her tone. "Miss Fanyin, it's late at night, and it's inconvenient for you to live alone in the ruined temple. My princess intends to invite you to the mansion to have a talk, why don't you just follow me now."

Of course, Fan En wanted to go, but before he went, he still pretended to hesitate: "It's not suitable, I don't know the Princess Regent, why invite me? Let me make it clear that I, Fan Yin, am not the kind of casual woman. The concubine wants me to serve the regent during her pregnancy, so I will swear to the death!"

When the mistress of a wealthy family is pregnant, it is common to take the initiative to choose a woman who knows the basics for her husband.

It stands to reason that Fan En's worries are justified, but for some reason, Grandma always feels that the girl in front of her is full of arrogance, and in her arrogance, there is a sense of embarrassment!

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and the grandmother said: "Miss is overthinking, my princess has other things to do."

"What else can happen?"

"It's like this. My princess is looking for her long-lost sister. The token is the peace talisman given by Master Qingyuan. Since you have the peace talisman, why don't you come with me, the girl's good days are yet to come."

This is Shu Yuxi's excuse to the outside world, Fan En thought for a while, and said: "You mother-in-law, don't talk nonsense, my parents are still alive, and my brother loves me and spoils me. I ran away from home and lived here because of a temper tantrum. In the ruined temple, there is no sister who has been lost for many years!"

Fan En has been disguised as a woman for many years, disguising his body and voice. At this moment, he has a clear female voice, and his every move is full of immortality. Nanjiang's grandma now has no doubt that this is the woman they are looking for.

Seeing that the excuse of looking for her sister was not working, Nanjiang's grandma gradually showed her fierceness.She walked slowly into Fann, raised her hand and sprinkled some unknown powder.

Fan En frowned slightly, and although he quickly covered his mouth and nose, he still sucked in a lot, so he asked in horror: "What are you guys doing?"

"Don't do anything, you will know when you arrive at the palace!"

Fan En gradually lost consciousness. One second before he fell to the ground, his eyes subconsciously looked at a tree next to the ruined temple.

On the tree, a man in night clothes had deep brows and eyes, and his eyes were as sharp as a hawk's and never left Fann.

Grandma whistled cheerfully, and raised her hand to carry Fann on her shoulder.

In the next second, Grandma's complexion changed suddenly.

No, the beauty is a little heavy, and her waist is flashing!

There is still some distance between the ruined temple in the East City and the Prince Regent's Mansion, and Grandma thought that she couldn't bring him back by herself.

Cursing, she had no choice but to cover Fan En with thatch, and then quickly left the ruined temple to find help.

As soon as Grandma walked away, Liang Shao jumped off the tree on his back.

He doesn't know medicine, and doesn't know poison. When he was at a loss, Jing Jue came out of the night.

Liang Shao's eyes lit up: "Your Highness, Xiao En..."


(End of this chapter)

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