Chapter 364 This prince is not simple (28)

The promised blood Gu is the most powerful, and the blood Gu is the most difficult to raise. If it is cultivated, it will be the king of the Gu worshiped by the hundred Gu, and has no one ever succeeded?
That's it?

Lian Qiao is not so afraid of snakes now, and it is still such a small snake. "It won't bite me, will it?"

"Probably not, you are its master."

Regardless of whether it is blood Gu or not, it is a Gu nourished by the blood of Lian Qiao's heart. I don't know if it is powerful or not, but it is impossible to hurt the master.

After making sure that she would not be bitten, Lian Qiao stretched out two fingers to pick up the snake's tail.The little golden snake shook its head, gave up struggling, and hung down like a thread.

Lian Qiao: "..."

It's a bit of a stretch.

"Are you sure it's a blood gu?"

Jing Jue scratched his head: "It should be... Since it can survive, it should be a blood gu."

Lian Qiao wrinkled her face, "But how can it avenge me, by being cute?"

The little golden snake vomited the snake letter, and moved its body in Lianqiao's palm.

Sometimes chasing its own tail, sometimes tying itself in a knot.

The corner of Lian Qiao's mouth twitched slightly, and she stretched out her hand to untie its body.

I don't know if it's great or not, but it's pretty stupid.

Jing Jue raised Gu for so many years and saw such a hopeless snake for the first time, thought for a while, and said: "Maybe you will find out if you try it."

He put the little golden snake on a plate, took out a bottle from the jars, and explained: "In it is the female Gu that Shu Yuxi planted for me in the palace that day. This female Gu has been tampered with. It will slowly devour my body. If I die because of this mother Gu, Shu Yuxi's child Gu will not die suddenly because of my death."

Saying that, Jing Jue took out the cork and poured the mother Gu on the plate.

In the next second, before Lian Qiao even had time to cover her eyes, the mother Gu was already on her back.And the little golden snake next to it vomited the snake letter, and silently coiled itself together.

"This is... dead?"

Jing Jue was no less amazed than Lian Qiao.

He has been raising Gu for many years, so he naturally knows how difficult it is to destroy Gu insects.But the little golden snake poisoned the mother Gu that Shu Yuxi spent a lot of energy cultivating in an instant.

Blood Gu is worthy of being the king of all Gu.

At this moment, Lian Qiao felt that she had reached the pinnacle of her life.

What heroine Mengyao, what supporting actress Shu Yuxi?She is the king of this plane, okay?
[Tongzi Tongzi, the little snake is so cute, I can take it to the next plane, the next plane, the next plane! ]
The system was probably shut down, at this time another voice sounded: [Host, I am the magic stick system, Qian Er asked me to tell you...]
After a pause, the magic stick system said again: [You, Hugh, think! ]
Lian Qiao: [... Oh.But what does the magic stick system do?Are you selling magic sticks? ]

The magic stick system was stunned, and then said: [Host, Qian'er said that he doesn't chat during working hours, so it doesn't let me talk to you more. ]
Lian Qiao: [...Oh, that's great! ]

The little golden snake couldn't be taken away, so Lian Qiao had no choice but to give up this bold idea. "Your Highness, how do I raise this little golden snake?"

"You can carry it in your purse during the day, and just let it out at night. You don't need to feed it. If it is hungry, it will go out to find food at night."

Blood Gu is the most spiritual among all Gu species, and it is also the most loyal Gu to its master.So Jing Jue was not worried that the little golden snake would hurt Lian Qiao, nor that the snake would be stolen.

After all, whoever touches it will be unlucky.

At this moment, Jing Jue suddenly realized that he was a tool man.Although he worked hard and bled, he was not the master of the little golden snake.Fortunately... the blood gu has been developed, and he has confirmed one thing.

 Chapter 4 today~
  good night~
(End of this chapter)

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