Chapter 366 This prince is not simple (30)

But... Lian Qiao is the biggest surprise on this plane.

The original owner is dead, but she is still alive.The blood gu has been developed, and if Lian Qiao wants Shu Yuxi to die on the third watch, she won't survive the fifth watch!

In Lian Qiao's boudoir, Jing Jue, who feigned death and relaxed, was sitting at the table writing something.

It was getting dark outside the house, and the candles were flickering in the house, making it warm and cozy.

"Write what?"

Lian Qiao looked over and found that it was two names.One is Fanen and the other is Liang Shao.

Jing Jue handed her the note and explained: "These two were originally killers who followed me. They had nothing to do after I faked my death, so I want to recommend them to do business with you. Do you think it's feasible?"

At this moment, the words "The killer is not too cold" and "The killer is re-employed" flashed through Lian Qiao's mind.Under Jing Jue's expectant eyes, Lian Qiao nodded: "Yes, I can have meat with Sister Hua."

The guys in the shop didn't call her Missy before, and now they don't call her Princess, but Sister Hua.

It's a bit social.

Jing Jue has successfully faked his death, and when Jing Xiao secures the throne, Shu Yuxi's good days will come to an end.Everything was planned, except that Lian Qiao didn't know how to arrange Jing Jue.

"You can't keep running to me, what if my mother finds out?"

Lian Qiao can imagine Sun's expression and words, she must call her a fake corpse!

In the next second, Sun's voice sounded from behind. "Ah! Deceitful corpse!"

Lian Qiao turned her head and saw Mrs. Sun holding the bird's nest at the door, the scream of being frightened out of the scale was still ringing in her ears, with an embarrassing expression on her face.Not to mention cheating corpses, Jing felt that it would be unreasonable for a big man to stay in her boudoir this evening!

Jing Jue was slightly stunned, then cupped his hands: "Princess Jian, I'm not dead."

No matter how hot and domineering the Sun family is, she is also a serious Princess Jian, and she is also a first-class imperial wife!
But now it's not a matter of Princess Jian or not, Mrs. Sun is really scared to death!
Her hands were trembling, but she was holding on to the bowl of bird's nest tightly, and her panic was expressed through her mouth. "You you you... how could you not die?"

The funeral is out, isn't this messing with her mentality!

Jing Jue was helpless, "Princess, look down, I have a shadow."

Sun looked down and saw that there was indeed a shadow.

"You, you, are you really alive?"

Jing Jue nodded.

"You, you, are you feigning death?"

Jing Jue nodded.

"Then what are you doing in the pretty room at night? You are a disciple!"

Jing Jue: "..."

Lian Qiao: "..." After all, there is no way to avoid it.

With lingering fears in her heart, Sun handed the bowl containing the bird's nest to Lian Qiao's hand, and then quickly returned to the door and stood there: "This thing is expensive, you eat first, and you two come to the front hall after eating!"

Mrs. Sun doesn't care about Jing Jue's former crown prince anymore, anyway, the crown prince is already dead, and now Jing Jue in the room is Deng Tuzi!
Besides, she still remembers the hatred that Jing Jue bullied her daughter before!
After a while, the servants retreated in the front hall, and only Hua Jian and Mrs. Sun sat on the chairs.

Jing Jue knew that this day could not be avoided, but he didn't expect it to come so fast, so fast that he didn't even have time to make any disguises!

"Honestly, what's going on." Hua Jian said, her tone sounded slightly heavy.

Jing Jue glanced at Lian Qiao, and lifted her lips: "This story is quite long."

"Speak slowly." Lian Qiao rested her chin on her hands, as if she was ready to listen to the story.

Jing Jue was helpless, and continued: "My mother's queen is Empress Wen Lingwen. She was the saint of Southern Xinjiang, and she fell in love with the then prince at first sight. They hit it off, and they got engaged naturally."


(End of this chapter)

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