Chapter 369 This prince is not simple (33)

The night was dark, and there was no result to discuss any more. Hua Jian pinched the center of her eyebrows and said, "Okay, let's stop here today. Who, if you have no other arrangements, you can stay here. There is also a vacant room at home. I'll take you there later. In the final analysis, Qiaoqiao's marriage depends on her own thoughts, and she is not in a hurry. All right, let's go to bed!"

He didn't sleep well at night, and he was upset when Luo Tieniu was mentioned.

Lian Qiao got up, looked at Jing Jue and smiled slightly: "Then, Your Highness, what should we call you?"

You can't always use that who to call it?
Jing Jue thought for a while, and said, "My biological father, Yan You, once gave me a name, Wen Yan, hot Yan. So I may use this name in the future."

Wen Yan, Wen Ling's surname, a homonym of Yan You's surname.

Lian Qiao thought, no matter how crazy things Yan You has done, he will always be devoted to Wen Ling.It's just such a crazy love, it's embarrassing and suffocating.

When Lian Qiao returned to the room to rest, Hua Jian took Jing Jue to the guest room to rest.

On the way, Hua Jianyu said earnestly: "If Qiaoqiao is willing to be with you, that Luo Ze has no chance."

Jing Jue was slightly taken aback, "So you know all about it."

"I don't know what she is doing? She sneaked out to meet Luo Tieniu and didn't know how to cover it up a little bit. Before leaving, she told me, Laohua, I'm going out to meet an old friend, don't follow me. You say What kind of old friends can she have? She doesn't like any of these ladies and ladies in the capital, and she is not close except for business contacts. Luo Tieniu is the only one in the village who can make her so happy."

Hua Jian lifted her lips and continued with a smile: "It's just rare to be confused. No one likes to be restrained. If she finds out that I have guessed everything, she will be very angry. So even if I guessed it, I will pretend not to know.

When she came back that day, she cheerfully asked me how about finding a number one scholar as my son-in-law?He also said that Zhuangyuan Lang is honest and down-to-earth, worthy of entrusting him for a lifetime.Let me think about it, Luo Ze, last year's No. [-] scholar, seems to be unmarried.It's just that I didn't check it specifically, and I don't know the specific situation, because both of them have the surname Luo, so I have a vague guess.

She really brought it up today, and I cooperated with it.Seriously though, if it weren't for what you said today, I might just let her go. "

After all, Luo Tieniu is honest and honest. He admits that the son raised by Luo Tieniu should not be bad in character.But with Jing Jue's choice, Hua Jian said that she doesn't want to be in-laws with her love rival at all!

"By the way, you can be called Wen Yan, but what about your face? Why don't you marry into our house and wear a mask when you go out. I don't think anyone can believe that His Royal Highness once became a son-in-law."

Hua Jian's tone was not strong, but Jing Jue could still see this sentence in his eyes: I am giving you a chance.

Hua Jian has selfish intentions. He hopes to keep Lian Qiao by his side. The marriage contract with the Prince Regent for several months has exhausted his energy, so Hua Jian is really worried.Luo Tieniu and Luo Ze would definitely not agree to the idea of ​​becoming a married woman.

Jing Jue was slightly stunned: "Uncle, I haven't considered marrying into a family."

Seeing that he changed the name of Hua Jian from King Jian to Uncle, Hua Jian had an answer in her heart. "Then you think about it now."

The truth of the fake death was discovered too quickly, and Jing Jue didn't have time to forge her identity, let alone marry her.But he thought of the little golden snake, and the blood gu that he and Lian Qiao raised together.If Lian Qiao likes him, then...



(End of this chapter)

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