Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 37 The villain listens to the chapter, I am your aunt

Chapter 37 The villain is obedient, I am your aunt (12)

Shen Xingzhi is still hesitating here, while Shen Zhao, who heard the scandal over there, put Lian Qiao on the bed directly after school.

"A date in the evening study hallway?" His voice was low, mixed with displeasure, and he looked like a lion cub about to explode!
God knows how angry he was when he heard the news, but because he remembered Lian Qiao's advice, he still endured it and did not reveal their feelings on impulse.

Lian Qiao was stunned for a moment, then put her arms behind her head, and lay down under Shen Zhao contentedly. "No hallway dating, it's a fact that someone is indiscriminately controlling her now."

As soon as these words came out, Shen Zhao's ears blushed inexplicably. "You...what are you talking about? How can I..."

"Nothing? Is it indiscriminate or out of control?" Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows, "It's all like this, and you still say you don't?"

Such a bad posture!
Both ambiguous and intimate.

Shen Zhao's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After all, he is a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, with a fresh blood but no actual combat experience, let alone being teased by Lian Qiao like this.

Shen Zhao didn't dare to move, but his body responded honestly.

"Then I believe you." Shen Zhao's eyes fell on the pillow next to Lian Qiao, "You...you let go!"

So bold!

Although Shen Xingzhi slept with her regardless, he couldn't do it.

What if she gets pregnant? She still has to go to university.

Lian Qiao felt the tension in Shen Zhao's body, so she let go of her legs obediently, and then explained in a good voice: "Shen Xingzhi came to me during evening self-study, and asked me why I rejected him."

Why did Shen Xingzhi reject Shen Xingzhi? In fact, Shen Zhao also wanted to know.

Is it because of him?If it wasn't for him, Shen Xingzhi's girlfriend should be the title that all girls in school want to have.

Lian Qiao pursed her lips, naturally she couldn't tell Shen Zhao that they were actually together in the last plane.She thought for a while and asked, "What do you think is the difference between you and Shen Xingzhi? Why would I choose you instead of him?"

The grades and looks of the two of them are all top-notch.

But when it comes to character, Shen Zhao's stinky temper is really not as gentle as Shen Xingzhi's.

When it comes to family background... at present, it is simply incomparable.

Shen Zhao's eyes darkened for a moment, "You chose me, do you think I'm pitiful?"

Shen Xingzhi has everything, but he only has her.

Like a poor pug.

Lian Qiao shook her head.

"I choose you, naturally because you can give me what Shen Xingzhi can't."



The preference of a lifetime.

Lian Qiao sat on the bed, hugging her knees, looking soft and quiet. "Shen Xingzhi has too many people to love, his father and his mother, his career and his friends. But Shen Zhao, you only love me, right?"

Shen Xingzhi has 20 yuan, so he can only give her 30 yuan to buy sugar, because he has to save 20 yuan to buy supplements for his father, 20 yuan to invest in his career, [-] yuan to socialize, and the remaining [-] yuan may be sold in the rain on the road girl with flowers.

As for Shen Zhao, he only has one yuan, but he will give it all to Lian Qiao.

At this moment, Shen Zhao's heart was shocked.

Because he only thought of the fact that he only had Lian Qiao, but he forgot that he was only good to Lian Qiao.

He felt the blood in his whole body boil, leaned over, and kissed Lianqiao's lips overwhelmingly.

Preference, you are my preference!

After the kiss, Lian Qiao's cheeks were flushed, as if she was drunk.

 Modified~ The previous one was blocked~????

(End of this chapter)

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