Chapter 383 This cat is so cute (10)

In fact, Zhong Ziyou really wanted to know what the role of Shang Chenyu was, after all, he was the only student in the class who handed in the "blank paper".But Shang Chenyu has been immersing himself in his studies, and it seems that no matter how noisy or noisy in class has nothing to do with him, Zhong Ziyou didn't dare to disturb him when he saw this.

Since school was over, the students packed up their things and went home one after another. Many of them even started the game of embracing life as soon as they got home.

According to the questionnaires of most of the students, the Technology Department of the Zheng Group opened up the ancient background and showed a prosperous country, Yanyou Kingdom.

The country is thriving and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

As Chen Hu who got the role of emperor, the first thing he did when he got home was to enter the game invitation code to log in to the game.The second thing... I plan to flop my cards and enter the harem!
But it turns out, don't be too happy too soon.

After logging into the game, Chen Hu immediately saw on the computer screen a person wearing a golden dragon robe sitting in front of a table, and there were piles of memorials on the table.

Chen Hu took another look, oh my god, this emperor's face is really his own!How can there be an inexplicable sense of shame!
The emperor's figure looks pretty good, it's this face...

Chen Hu regretted that he didn't fill in the questionnaire with the emperor who had a prosperous and beautiful face!
At this time, a line of words flashed on the computer screen: "Dear player Chen Hu, do you agree to connect the game helmet to enter the holographic mode?"If necessary, you can tap Agree and close your eyes. 』

Chen Hu clicked to agree, and as soon as he found a comfortable position, he felt a numbness in his temples, and his hands and feet seemed to be a little out of control.

"Dear Chen Hu player, you can quit the game at any time during the game.This game will not have any adverse effects on your body, and half an hour a day can deeply relax your body and mind. 』

"Dear Chen Hu player, this game can choose stand-alone mode or joint mode.In stand-alone mode, you can only see NPCs in the game world. In joint mode, you can see the coordinates of other real online players on the game map.After the invitation is approved by the other party, you can experience the game together.You can adjust the mode at any time during the game, I wish you a happy game. 』

Chen Hu took the lead in choosing the stand-alone mode.

It has to be said that holographic games perfectly simulate various sensory perceptions of people.Chen Hu, wearing a gaming helmet, really felt like he was on the scene.

Chen Hu quit the game, his temples felt numb, and he could move his hands and feet.

When Chen Hu went in again, his temples felt numb, and he couldn't move his limbs again!
Ah, it's amazing!
Chen Hu closed his eyes to feel the scene in the game.Resplendent and resplendent palaces, tables full of memorials piled up like mountains.

The most amazing thing is that he can manipulate the actions of the characters without using a mouse, as if...he is himself sitting at the table now!
Chen Hu stretched out his hand to touch the table, it was cold, it felt so real!I touched a cup of tea next to me, it was still warm!Chen Hu lifted the lid and took a sip of the tea, the fragrance of the tea was left on his lips and teeth!

Chen Hu immediately switched to the joint mode, and in the next second, he saw a virtual map floating in front of him. The map displayed the names of various places in Yanyou Kingdom, and there were many cursors scattered here and there.

The red cursors are female players, and the blue cursors are male players.

The number of people online is written in the upper right corner of the map: "35/51"

Chen Hu chose to see the name of the player, so the player's name is displayed on the red and blue cursors. After clicking the cursor, he can also choose to view the player's profile and find ta.

Chen Hu could understand other people's information, but when he clicked on Zhong Ziyou's cursor at the bottom of the map, he suddenly felt something was wrong.


 No need to delve into the setting of the novel~
(End of this chapter)

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