Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 39 The villain listens to the chapter, I am your aunt

Chapter 39 The villain is obedient, I am your aunt (14)

Lian Qiao waited at the door for 10 minutes, then the door opened, and a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses appeared in front of her. "Miss Song?"

The man was wearing a white suit, with dark eyes and fair skin.One button of his shirt was unbuttoned, revealing his delicate collarbone.

Gentle scum, this is the only word that can describe him in Lian Qiao's mind.

Wei Qi buttoned up his shirt calmly, and then said: "Boss Song is inside, go in and find him."

Lian Qiao came back to her senses, thanked her, and when she entered the office, she saw Song Zheng leaning on the chair and dozing.There is also a magazine on the desk, and the man on the cover of the magazine is the man who just wore gold-rimmed glasses!
Lian Qiao recalled...

Wei Qi, actor, the only male artist under Mesa Entertainment!

At this time Song Zheng also opened his eyes, looking up and down Lian Qiao. "how old are you?"


Song Zheng hummed, "I'm an adult."

19 years old, the age can also be matched.

"Who's in the family?" Song Zheng asked again.

Lian Qiao felt a little strange, why is it like checking the account? ?
But she still said truthfully: "There is no one at home, only..."

Tsk, what is Shen Zhao?
"Only a nephew, but soon to be my boyfriend."

As soon as Lian Qiao finished speaking, Song Zheng couldn't hold back a mouthful of water and spewed out. "What did you say?"

Nephew becomes boyfriend? ?
His little sister is a bit powerful.

"Blood relationship?" Song Zheng asked tentatively.

"No, I was adopted by their family. Later, something happened at home, and there were only two of us left."

It stands to reason that these are quite private matters.But the strange thing is that when Song Zheng asked, Lian Qiao answered.

Song Zheng was relieved to hear that there was no blood relationship.

It's no wonder they are related by blood, she is obviously a girl from their Song family!
After coughing lightly, Song Zheng asked again: "Why are you called Song Lianqiao? That family is also named Song?"

"No, I had a sachet with me when I was adopted, and the word Song Lianqiao was embroidered on it. My dad said that since I already had a name, I wouldn't change it, and it's a nice name."

Lian Qiao and Mimi boasted her name once again.

The corners of Song Zheng's mouth twitched slightly, it was rare that he didn't lose his temper after talking to others for so long.After confirming his eyes, the girl in front of him is definitely his little sister.

After a moment of silence, Song Zheng said: "Okay, you can go back, remember to come and shoot magazine covers on Saturday."

Lian Qiao opened her eyes wide, "I passed?"

It's that simple?
"What else do you want? Show me a boulder in the chest?" Song Zheng opened the document on the table and started working. "By the way, call Wei Qi up and tell him that I have something to ask him."

Lian Qiao didn't dare to ask any more questions, and left in a hurry.

Looking at her back, Song Zheng's lips curved into a doting smile. "Sure enough, there is nowhere to find it if you break through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it."

Who would have thought that the sister he had been looking for for so long would just come to his door by herself?

At the beginning, on a whim, he personally screened the characters for the magazine cover. Who would have thought that the young girl would be selected out of this screening?
That face... really resembles his mother.

When Wei Qi came in, he saw Song Zheng's proud face.

"Are you sure it's her?"

Song Zheng nodded, "Confirmed, she is my mother from more than 20 years ago. And now that Lian Qiao is back, I can finally give my mother an explanation."


Wei Qi was silent for a while, and said: "The Song family finally has a queen."


(End of this chapter)

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