Chapter 392 This cat is so cute (19)

Zhong Ziyou stayed at Linhai Villa for a day, and in the evening, his aunt Zheng Ru wanted to keep him for a night so that he could go to school with Yu Nian tomorrow.But Zhong Ziyou was thinking about the cat, so he said: "I can't leave my aunt, I have to go back and see my cat."

After hearing this, Zheng Ru had no choice but to give up, "Then I'll ask the driver to take you home, and send me a message when I get home."

Zhong Ziyou smiled slightly, "Okay, see you again, uncle and aunt, and see you tomorrow, Yu Xiaonian."

"See you tomorrow, Big Grapefruit!"

On the way back to the apartment, Zhong Ziyou was thinking about this question: whether he misses the cat at home more, or wants to take a look at the cat in the game.


The car stopped steadily at the door of the apartment, Zhong Ziyou opened the door and got off.

He thanked the driver as usual, then turned around and wanted to enter the community.At this moment, Zhong Ziyou saw the nanny and Shang Chenyu waiting in the security room.

"Master." The nanny called him and explained, "This is the son of the family I mentioned this morning."

Although the nanny has a key, it is inappropriate to bring a person in after all.

Zhong Ziyou and Shang Chenyu looked at each other, both of them were slightly surprised, but after thinking about it briefly, they found that everything could be explained.

For example, Zhong Ziyou knew that Shang Chenyu's family conditions were not very good, and his mother took medicine all the year round.For example, Shang Chenyu came to the community once, but the nanny did not touch him the last time he came.

It's just that Zhong Ziyou didn't expect such a coincidence, and Shang Chenyu didn't expect that the landlord, Aunt Zhang, was working as a nanny at Zhong Ziyou's house.

It turned out that it was his deskmate who saved his mother's life.

Shang Chenyu pursed his lips and wanted to say something, but Zhong Ziyou said directly: "Let's talk upstairs, if it's convenient for you now."

"it is good."

At first, the nanny thought that the two were of the same age, so it didn't look so awkward. After Zhong Ziyou explained the relationship between the two, she suddenly realized. "It turned out to be like this, what a coincidence! Then you guys talk, I'll go back first, I still have something to do at home."

Zhong Ziyou thought it was good, so he said, "Then Auntie, be careful on the road."


The two went upstairs, and the moment Zhong Ziyou opened the door, an orange cat jumped into his arms.

Lian Qiao waited at home for a whole day, a whole day for him! !

What's even more frightening is that she will return to the game as soon as it gets dark!
She waited for a lonely ah!
Today is also a cat that guards the empty boudoir alone.

Zhong Ziyou seemed to be able to feel the emotion of the cat in his arms, he rubbed its head, and said dotingly: "Sorry, Yu Xiaonian has a Tibetan mastiff, the kind that bites when I see a cat, I can only let you go." at home."


Zhong Ziyou touched Mao Mao's little paw, and suddenly thought of something.

The cat...seemed to be different from the morning one.

Wait for him to study it at night.

Inviting Shang Chenyu into the room, Zhong Ziyou poured him a glass of fruit juice. "To be honest, I didn't know that the tenant that Auntie said was your family. Today is Yu Xiaonian's birthday, and I thought that if I did some good deeds, it would be a good deed for her, so I gave the card without a password. Don't you There is pressure, this is my painting money, it has nothing to do with the Yu family."

Shang Chenyu knew that Zhong Ziyou's paintings often won awards, so he believed what he said.But no matter what purpose Zhong Ziyou gave that card, it helped him a lot.

Since he came to Yuying, Zhong Ziyou has been helping him unilaterally.

"Is Auntie okay?" Zhong Ziyou asked.

"The condition has stabilized and is still being treated." Shang Chenyu clenched the hem of his clothes, "Zhong Ziyou, I owe you too much."

It's not clear yet!

Zhong Ziyou is the light, he illuminates everyone around him.


 Chapter 4 today~
  good night~
(End of this chapter)

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