Chapter 395 This cat is so cute (22)

Players of this game can buy items in the game mall, or go to the NPC's shop to buy them.However, in order to allow players to get closer to the background of the game, the items in the mall are a hundred times more expensive than those in the shop.

51 players, each will have different amounts of assets depending on the role.Zhong Ziyou is the one who cheated, so he has unlimited assets.

He followed the prompts on the virtual panel and clicked into the mall, and then clicked into the women's clothing section.

Lian Qiao originally thought that it would not be difficult to buy a piece of women's clothing as Zhong Ziyou, but the air was silent for nearly half a minute before she heard him say: "It seems that they are all sold out."

All women's clothing has turned gray.

With the ability to buy all the clothes in the mall in the game, Zhong Ziyou used his toes to figure out that it was Yu Nian.Sighing lightly, he sent Yu Nian a message.

***Zhong Ziyou: "Are you there? I sent you a meeting invitation. Come to the underworld and bring some women's clothing along."

If someone invites him, his life span will be shortened. It seems that he has no problem inviting others.

Cool Woman Yu Nian: "(Scary.jpg)"

Yu Nian, a cool heroine: "Brother, are you letting yourself go in the game? I didn't expect you to hide it so deeply! Do you like red or purple? I think you look good in red!"

Yu Nian, a cool heroine: "Brother, don't worry! Even if there is only one piece of women's clothing in the world, I will definitely choose to keep it for you! It doesn't matter if I don't wear it, brother, you must satisfy your wish!"

***Zhong Ziyou: "..."

Some people say that red looks good, but their bodies honestly pick out clothes of all colors.

Yu Nian happily accepted Zhong Ziyou's invitation, and the moment he stepped into the underworld, he couldn't help complaining: "Hey, I thought the underworld was so much fun, that's it?"

It's pitch black, and there's nothing you want.

Is this worth Zhong Ziyou's leave of absence from the entire technical department?

Those who didn't know thought he was hiding in a golden house in the underworld.

When Yu Nian stepped into the room and saw Lian Qiao, he froze in place.

Yu Nian glanced at Zhong Ziyou, an orphan.

She glanced at Lian Qiao, a widow who was sitting on the bed with only her head sticking out of the quilt.

The lonely man and the widow live in the same room, it really is a golden house hiding the beauty.

Yu Nian's evil little eyes turned on Lian Qiao: "Hey, what a beautiful NPC lady. Cousin, I heard that in this game, you can fall in love, get married, double cultivate, and have babies, and you can also have sex with NPCs..."

Zhong Ziyou: "..."

Yu Nian put a stack of clothes beside the bed, and just about to go over to take a look at Lian Qiao, when Zhong Ziyou grabbed the collar and threw it out.

Yu Nian fell on the Naihe Bridge, blinking his eyes: "It's a loss, how can a heroine compare to Lord Yan?"

She should have filled in Nuwa!

In the house, Lian Qiao's ears and tail reappeared after Yu Nian left.The fluffy tail wagged and wagged, Lian Qiao reached out to hold it down, and after a while it wagged again by itself.

The tail has its own thoughts and cannot be held down.

Zhong Ziyou felt a little cute, coughed lightly, and said, "I'll avoid it for a moment, you put on your clothes first."

Lian Qiao reached out and grabbed his sleeve, and uttered a torture from the soul: "Where do I put my tail when I put on clothes?"

Zhong Ziyou: "..."

Lian Qiao didn't make things difficult for him, "Forget it, I'll figure it out myself."

[Tongzi, what to do! ]

System: [Ah, this... why don't you cut a hole in the clothes, the host? ]
Lian Qiao is angry and funny.

(End of this chapter)

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