Chapter 400 This cat is so cute (27)

"I don't hate my biological parents. Their mistake was that they didn't listen to the doctor and didn't kill me earlier. After I was born, the family was very poor, and I could understand losing it. But I am grateful to my aunt all my life, all my life All thanks to her.

She hadn't met her uncle at that time, and she took me out of the town alone, and then started a business in Pinghai.Later, the Zheng Group came into being, and met my uncle who was already very successful in his career at that time. With the help of my uncle, the Zheng Group got better and better. With Yu Xiaonian, I had my 20 years of life. "

For him, 20 years has been very good.

After hearing these words, Lian Qiao's mood was also very low.Zhong Ziyou smiled, trying to ease the atmosphere: "If I don't have a heart attack, there must be many girls who like me, right?"

Lian Qiao was still immersed in the depression just now and did not recover, she turned her head and said, "Yes, yes, you are a heartthrob."

At some point, Lian Qiao's cat ears popped out again.Zhong Ziyou couldn't hold back, and stretched out his hand to touch it. "I've always wondered how such a miraculous thing happened to me when I met a cat demon. Xiao Lianqiao, why me?"

Lian Qiao didn't speak, but Zhong Ziyou leaned closer and smiled slightly: "Can't you lie to me and say that you are here for me?"

"Sure, I'm here for you." I'm not lying to you, it's true.

Zhong Ziyou's smile deepened, and he stretched out his arms to hold Lian Qiao in his arms. "Even if you lie to me, I'm very happy."

"What's there to be happy about? There are too many girls who like you."

Zhong Ziyou shook his head, "No, that's the one who lied to you."

Lian Qiao: "..."

During the exam on Tuesday, the elite class will take the exam in this class.Until the bell rang, the test papers were distributed, and after 10 minutes of the test, the seat next to Zhong Ziyou was still vacant.

Shang Chenyu never misses classes, how could he miss exams?And it's such an important exam!

The more Zhong Ziyou thought about it, the more strange he felt.

Faintly, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

After the exam, Zhong Ziyou went to the office and asked the head teacher: "Teacher, did Shang Chenyu ask for leave for today's exam?"

Sha Wu sighed softly, "He called me in the morning, saying that his mother's condition had suddenly deteriorated, and he could not take today's exam. The specific situation is not very clear now, and I plan to go to the hospital at noon to have a look. "

Zhong Ziyou pursed his lips, "Teacher, I'll go with you."

"You still don't want to go, you are not in good health, and you can't be emotional."

"Teacher Sha, let me go, I will go with you!"

When Zhong Ziyou turned his head, it was Yu Nian who was standing at the door of the office.

Sha Wu had even more headaches, one Zhong Ziyou was already difficult enough, why another year came? "Student Yu Nian, this has nothing to do with you, you still have class in the afternoon!"

Yu Nian shook his head, "Teacher Sha, just take me there! If you don't take me there, I'll ask someone to investigate. Anyway, I have to go, no one can stop me!"

Yu Nian is right, no one can stop her.

Half an hour later, she followed Zhong Ziyou through the corridors of the hospital, and finally saw Shang Chenyu with red eyes in a ward of the hospital.

Zhong Ziyou felt that the situation might not be good, and wanted to ask, but didn't know how to ask.

When Shang Chenyu saw them, his Adam's apple moved slightly, and his voice was hoarse: "My mother left, more than an hour ago."

He did not walk peacefully, and died on the operating table.

Yu Nian's tears fell all of a sudden, she hugged Zhong Ziyou next to her, and cried, "Brother, I'm scared."


 Chapter 4 today~
  Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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