Chapter 405 This cat is so cute (32)

After being described by Chen Hu in this way, the friends are all drooling.

"I really want to take a look."

"Me, me too!"


The students were discussing in full swing, suddenly a woman knocked on the door of the classroom, and then asked a student nearby: "Hello, classmate, is Zhong Ziyou here?"

Luo Junan was the first to react, wondering: "Excuse me, are you his..."

The whole Yuying knew that Zhong Ziyou, especially Zheng Xiaozhang, had been taken care of since he was a child. Except for Zheng Ru and Yu Minhang, no other elders had ever come to him.

Yang Juan reached out and pinned a strand of hair behind her ear, and smiled slightly: "If he wants to tell you, you can ask him. I just want to know if he is in the classroom now?"

Luo Junan shook his head: "He's not here, he hasn't come to class recently."

"That's it..." Yang Juan seemed a little disappointed, and said again: "Then do you know where he usually lives, or when he comes to school?"

Luo Junan wanted to say something else, but Chen Hu said beforehand: "How do we know where he lives? You have to find him yourself, or you can go to the head teacher. The teacher has his contact information."

He didn't say it!Don't tell me if you know it!Like this kind of refusal to explain the intention and identity of the [-]% problem!The keen intuition from a rich second generation.

Chen Hu's attitude was not very good, Yang Juan frowned slightly.After thinking about it, she asked again: "Is the senior department in the teaching building in front?"

"Yes, Auntie is looking for Yu Nian?" Luo Junan already had a vague guess in his heart.

Yang Juan nodded, with expectation in her eyes. "Can you take me there? Yu Nian must know where Zhong Ziyou is."

Before she came to Pinghai, she did a lot of research. Although Zheng Ru protected the information of Zhong Ziyou and Yu Nian very well, Yang Juan still obtained the competition information of the Painting Association through private channels.Yuying Middle School's sophomore elite class is Zhong Ziyou's class.

Luo Junan was happy to take Yang Juan to find Yu Nian, but Shang Chenyu frowned slightly, "Squad leader, are you being too lenient? Maybe Yu Nian doesn't want to see her, and Zhong Ziyou doesn't want to see her either!"

"That's right." Chen Hu said, "If he wants to find someone, let her go to the homeroom teacher. Lao Sha has Mr. Zheng's phone number, so you ask her to find Mr. Zheng! Mr. Zheng is the guardian of Zhong Ziyou and Yu Nian. You are here Who is pretending to be a good person here?"

Chen Hu almost didn't say which onion you are!
But he didn't, because his father asked him to be a low-key rich second generation honestly.

Chen Hu's family conditions are not bad, he and Zhong Ziyou live close together, and there are various contact methods of Zhong Ziyou.Not to mention Zhong Ziyou, he even has Yu Nian's contact information, is he proud?

When Chen Hu and Shang Chenyu said this, Luo Junan and Yang Juan couldn't hold back their faces.Fortunately, when the class bell rang, Sha Wu, the class teacher, walked into the classroom with the textbook in his arms, and looked at Yang Juan blankly. "What's the matter with you, lady? We're going to class."

"Teacher, I want to find Zhong Ziyou. He is not at school, can I ask for his contact information?"

Sha Wu looked her up and down, and said with a little deep meaning: "I can give you the contact information of Principal Zheng."


After all, Yang Juan didn't want Zheng Ru's contact information, because Zheng Ru, as the chairman of the Zheng Group, also has cooperation projects with the Zhou Group, so they will meet sooner or later.

Although Yang Juan didn't look for Zheng Ru, Zheng Ru quickly got the news from Sha Wu.At this moment, she was sitting in Zheng's office, staring at the surveillance screenshots on the phone screen, slightly absent-minded.

I haven't seen you for almost 20 years, sister, please stay safe.


(End of this chapter)

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