Chapter 411 This cat is so cute (38)

Zhong Ziyou pulled the corner of his mouth stiffly and smiled, and asked Yu Nian, "When did the doctor say you can let me go?"

When he just woke up, he proposed to be discharged from the hospital, but Jiang Yi insisted that he stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time.

"Do you want to leave the hospital and find Sister Lianqiao? I'll go and ask for you."


Not long after, Yu Nian ran back with a rattling sound. "Doctor Jiang said you won't be discharged until at least tomorrow."

Zhong Ziyou let out a cry, and directly lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Yu Nian was taken aback. "Brother, what are you doing?"


Zhong Ziyou really wanted to leave, but Jiang Yi couldn't stop him.

Everyone was happy for his miraculous recovery, only Zhong Ziyou knew what it was in exchange for.

Zhong Ziyou drove back to the apartment, opened the door, and saw that the living room was quiet and seemed empty.He searched all the rooms, found the clothes that Lian Qiao had worn, found the snacks she hadn't finished eating, found the graffiti she drew, and found the small games she downloaded on her phone...

She once really appeared in his life, spent the last time with him, and finally continued his life, then disappeared...

Zhong Ziyou was worried about what Lian Qiao would do after his death.The funny thing is, Lian Qiao was the last one to leave.He stood in the empty room, touching where his heart was.It used to be unhealthy, and then a person lived in it, and then it healed, but it was still missing a piece.

He was thinking, when Lian Qiao made this decision, did she ever worry about how he would live in the future?

In the following three months, Zhong Ziyou basically never left the room except for eating and washing.

Not only Yu Nian's family was worried, but Shang Chenyu was also a little worried.

On the weekend, Shang Chenyu waited in the living room for a long time before finally letting Zhong Ziyou out.I saw that his hair was messy and his eyes were black and blue.

Shang Chenyu poured Zhong Ziyou a glass of water before asking, "Are you okay?"

There were all kinds of speculations in the class about Zhong Ziyou not coming to school after his recovery. Some people said that he could graduate from Yuying Middle School ahead of schedule, while others said that he was sad and decadent because of a broken relationship.

But no one knows why Zhong Ziyou broke up after recovering. Isn't Zhong Ziyou in good health the kind of high-quality man standing at the top of the pyramid.

Zhong Ziyou took a sip from the water glass, "Fortunately, I won't die."

This life was given to him by Lian Qiao, and he dared not die.

Zhong Ziyou spent three months in the room with a brush to record the details of the two being together.Her voice and smile, her every move.

Although she will not be with him in the next few decades, he will miss that girl for the rest of his life.

Shang Chenyu was still a little worried: "You will be in the third year of high school at the beginning of school. Is it okay for you to be in this state? Some of the other students said that you would go directly to university, and some said that you..."

"Tell me what?"

Shang Chenyu pursed his lips, "I said you were broken in love. Zhong Ziyou, what's going on? It was weird when you were together, why now..."

Lian Qiao seemed to have completely disappeared from this world.

Zhong Ziyou felt a little tired, so he leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest.

Shang Chenyu waited for a long time but did not get Zhong Ziyou's answer. After looking carefully, he found that he had already fallen asleep exhausted.

"elder brother!"

"Hush!" Shang Chenyu covered Zhong Ziyou with a blanket, and whispered to Yu Nian who just came to the apartment: "Your brother is asleep, please keep your voice down."


(End of this chapter)

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