Chapter 436 The bandit leader is surnamed Xue (22)

Shang Zhenzhen finally had a smile in his eyes. "That's natural. I bought the Rose Villa and didn't let Lian Qiao live in it. What does it mean? It means that Master Xue is just playing with her. The Rose Villa is still vacant, waiting for its real mistress day and night. Lian Qiao is just I don't know where to pick up the wild species, she is also worthy?

I am the daughter of the Shang family, Master Xue is from the Xue family, and we both had accidents when we were three years old.We have shared experiences and it is easier to empathize.He is domineering and I don't lose, he and I are a natural match. "

Tao Hong poured a cup of tea for Shang Zhenzhen: "Miss is very right."

The more Shang Zhenzhen talked, the more he felt that if he and Xue Fei couldn't get together in the end, it would be God's eyes!

After about half a month, Xue Fei finally showed up.

This day Lian Qiao was wearing that light green cheongsam, looking fresh and elegant from a distance, like a little fairy descended from the earth.

Xue Fei knocked on the door and waited for Lian Qiao to turn around before walking over.

There are quite a few bottles and jars on the table, and several kinds of fragrances are mixed together, which is unexpectedly fragrant and pleasant.

Xue Fei casually picked up a small bottle, leaned against the wall, and said, "The old lady plans to go down the mountain tomorrow. Although the Shi family sent people to mention it many times, she still firmly disagrees with living in the Shi family. You discuss it..."

Lian Qiao understood what he meant: "Live here? I have several houses here, and the Rose Villa over there can also be occupied immediately."

Xue Fei coughed lightly, "You don't need a villa, just live here. There is a small vegetable garden next to it, the old lady will definitely like it."

After thinking for a while, Xue Fei said again: "It's inevitable that the old man is nagging. If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me. I'll call her. If you can't get along well, I'll send her back to the village. Don't bear to feel wronged."

Xue Fei has no experience in dealing with the relationship between two women, and his only thought is to separate them if it doesn't work.

Lian Qiao naturally had no objection, but felt a little strange: "Why did you only buy the house near the mass grave?"

Xue Fei: "..."

Not because it's cheap.

Lian Qiao seemed to understand something, and chuckled lightly: "Pretend I didn't ask."

Xue Fei: "..."

Xue Fei usually lives in the village, and the old lady never goes down the mountain.Coupled with the high expenses in the village, a large amount of money had to be used to resettle the refugees and purchase equipment and weapons, so Xue Fei didn't have much money left for him, and his brothers insisted on buying that car.

The euphemistic name is: Master Xue's row of noodles.

Xue Fei didn't know if there was a meeting, Xue Fei only felt pain in the flesh.

On the surface, Mr. Xue is dressed in a neat suit and travels in a car, but in fact he can't even afford a house.

Xue very often thinks how much money he can get by selling the car.


Xue Fei showed up in Lian Qiao's house, and the news reached Monk Xue Yang Zhenzhen immediately.When the two appeared at the gate of the small courtyard at the same time, their eyes were filled with vigilance and surprise.

Xue Shang's family has a marriage contract, so it is a lie for the two to say that they don't care. They have secretly checked each other's information in private, and even checked the bottom of the sky.

Shang Zhenzhen knew that Xue Yang was taken away by Xue's mother 20 years ago, and later Xue's mother remarried, and his stepfather, Lu Bo, treated him as if he were his own, so Xue Yang did not suffer or suffer in the first half of his life.Reading, doing academic research, became a university teacher very smoothly.

Xue Yang knew that Shang Zhenzhen had worked as a singer in other places in the past, and dealt with men from all walks of life.Although Shang Ronghua erased a lot of her past information, as long as Xue Yang wanted it, it was impossible for the Lu family not to find out.


 Chapter 4 today~
(End of this chapter)

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