Chapter 451 The bandit leader is surnamed Xue (37)

Hongyu is happy now, Lian Qiao is not good at saying anything, Hongyu may not listen to her, and may even turn her face.

Lian Qiao shook her head helplessly and continued to do her own thing.

When Xue Fei left Pingxi, there was no news of Qiao Qiao.The old lady was so worried that she had to mutter a few sentences.

No. 12 days after Xue Fei left Pingxi, Hongyu came all over the road crying to find Lianqiao.

Lian Qiao was slightly taken aback, "What's the matter?"

His eyes were swollen from crying, like walnuts.

Although Hongyu was choked with sobs, she still tried her best to express her meaning clearly: "Shi Tai's mother just came to see me and gave me a check to leave him."

Lian Qiao: "..."

This is a familiar and coquettish operation.

"Sister Lianqiao, the check is not important. The important thing is that my aunt said that I am not good enough for Shi Tai. I can't help him a little bit in his career, and it will even hinder him. Sister Lianqiao, what should I do?" What should I do, will Shi Tai really want me?"

Lian Qiao: "..."

Ah this...

Hongyu has been complaining, from Shitai to Zhao, and finally all the problems are concentrated on:

What should I do, what should I do if Shi Tai doesn't want me? Does Shi Tai really want me anymore? Does he really need a lady who can help him?

Lian Qiao poured her a cup of tea and hardly found a chance to interject from the beginning to the end.Lian Qiao guessed that Hongyu didn't intend to find the answer from her at all, but just wanted to find someone to talk to.

When Hongyu was gurgling and drinking tea, her little mouth finally calmed down a bit.

Lian Qiao lifted her lips: "It's useless to tell me, I suggest you go to Master Shi and listen to his attitude."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Shi Tai's attitude is crucial.

Although it is a very bad experience to pin all your hopes on a man and have no way out, Hongyu is indeed forced to a dead end.

Hongyu shook her head violently, almost choking herself. "No, my aunt said that if I tell Shi Tai, she will decide to make an engagement for Shi Tai! And she helped me book all the train tickets to leave Pingxi, and I will leave tomorrow. If I can't see me on the train platform tomorrow, My aunt personally brought someone to my house to arrest me!"

The corners of Lian Qiao's mouth twitched slightly, and she really wanted to knock open the other person's little head to see what was inside: "The train ticket is already booked, and you still have the heart to tell me this here? Madam Shi hasn't looked for you before?"

"No, this is the first time."

"Where is the young master then?"

"He's busy and said he won't be back until this afternoon."

Lian Qiao: "..."

That's why he specifically chose to threaten Hongyu when Shi Tai was not around.

Lian Qiao frowned, "When the young master comes back, tell him everything. If he doesn't come back, you can stay with me for a few days."

Although Lian Qiao really didn't want to care about these nonsense, who knew where Mrs. Zhao planned to send Hongyu?Once she leaves Pingxi, Hongyu may be in danger.

Hongyu didn't dare to tell Shi Tai, and didn't dare to say anything to make Lianqiao angry, so she could only stay depressed with Lianqiao in Xiangman Road.

When Shi Tai came back in the afternoon, he searched all the places but couldn't find Hongyu.Later, he heard from his subordinates that Hongyu had been in contact with Lian Qiao recently, so he came to incense all the dignitaries angrily.

When the gun was pointed at the head, Lian Qiao only wanted to curse.

"Where is Hongyu? Where did you hide Hongyu! I tell you, if you dare to touch a hair of Hongyu, I will kill you!"

Lian Qiao's temper suddenly came up, she took out a gun from the counter, loaded it, and pointed it directly at Shi Tai. "Shoot, one of us must die today!"

(End of this chapter)

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