Chapter 454 The bandit leader is surnamed Xue (40)

In the room, Lian Qiao was still flipping through the ledger, Xue Fei didn't dare to disturb her, so she sat on the bed with her pillow in her arms and waited for her.

The warm yellow light slanted down, and Lian Qiao's figure was reflected on the wall, Xue Fei's thoughts were racing.

In troubled times, the winner is king and the loser is bandit.He has been traveling abroad for many years, and outsiders respectfully call him Master Xue, but in fact he is only 23 years old this year.

Before meeting Lian Qiao, Xue Fei's only thought was to take good care of the old lady and the brothers in the village who depended on him for food.But Xue Fei was alone, because neither the old lady nor the brothers could accompany him to the end.

After meeting Lian Qiao, Xue Fei suddenly understood why a hero is sad for a beauty, and why even a tough man can be turned into soft fingers.

He is not a hero, but he can be obedient and give her all his softness.

It was not the first time for the two of them to sleep together in the same bed. When Lian Qiao climbed into bed in the dark, Xue Fei helped her cover the quilt, hugged her actively, and then warmed her hands and feet with his own body.

In the darkness, Lian Qiao could only feel the hot skin under her palm through Xue Fei's pajamas.She raised her head and glanced at Xue Fei, seeing that he didn't respond, she reached into the hem of his clothes and touched his neat abdominal muscles.

In fact, Lian Qiao has no obsession with muscles, especially the exaggerated muscles. To be honest, she is a little incapable of accepting them.But Xue Fei's muscles just grew on Lian Qiao's aesthetic point.

It has a sense of power without looking greasy or even scary.

Lian Qiao really likes Xue Fei's figure, especially the thin and powerful waist and long legs. Sorry, she is greedy.

Lian Qiao put her hands on her abdominal muscles flatteredly, Xue Fei's breathing was slightly heavy, and the arms holding her tightened a bit.

With relatives and friends, we will never hug each other so closely.

Western bibles say that Eve came from one of Adam's ribs and then became his wife and life partner.

Xue Fei thought, he found his ribs.

I want to rub her into my body, into my heart.


When Xiangmanlu reopened, red silk was hung on the signboard, and the sound of crackling firecrackers could be heard from far away.

Xue Fei unexpectedly appeared at the opening ceremony, and this move was tantamount to sending a signal to everyone in Pingxi: Lianqiao and Xiangmanlu shops are all guarded by him.

Since then, the final boss of Xiangmanlu has been finalized, and those who were guessed to be swallowed by the Shang family or those who were guessed to be swallowed by other families have remained silent.

Since Xiangmanlu was bought away and Shang Zhenzhen's right leg was injured, the relationship between the Shang family and Xue Fei is now in dire straits.And Shi Tai also suffered under Xue Fei's hands, so on the day Xiangmanlu opened, neither the Shang family nor the Shi family sent anyone to take a look.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that the situation in Pingxi is about to change again.

When the outside world was talking about it, Xue Fei was boiling Chinese medicine in the yard behind the Xiangman Road shop.

Regarding the rumors from the outside world, Lian Qiao also asked Xue Fei's opinion.

While staring at Huohou, he said: "The Shi family and the Shang family are all in business, so there is no shortage of money. But in this day and age, what is the use of having money? If money can kill people, what do I have to do?"

Shang Ronghua and Shi Shenguang broke the sky, he was just a businessman.But Xue Fei is different, he has his own power, in the land of Pingxi, he is the overlord.

Because of this, Shi Shenguangming knew that the old lady disliked him in every possible way, so he also took Shi Tai to post it.Rather than coaxing the old lady, it is better to say that he wants to win Xue Fei.Because of this, Shang Ronghua couldn't wait to reach a consensus with Bo Xilin.

(End of this chapter)

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