Chapter 459 The bandit leader is surnamed Xue (45)

The next morning, when Lian Qiao woke up, she felt even more ashamed.Regardless of the pain in her body, she covered her face: "Yueshu and Zhang Cheng don't care, grandma is in the next room!"

Is this crappy house okay? If not, move to Rose Villa!

Let's keep them separated, otherwise she won't have the face to face others!

Xue Fei saw Lian Qiao's hairy appearance early in the morning, and reached out to rub her head, making her hair even more messy.He smiled and said, "Don't blame me, I don't even have a voice."

Lian Qiao was stunned for a second, and rushed over to pinch Xue Fei's neck, "You're still smiling, you're still smiling, you're still smiling! If it wasn't for you, would I have done that!"

"What, isn't it nice to hear?"

Lian Qiao couldn't hold back her laughter, how did this man manage to praise her for being nice.

"Okay, it's okay, maybe the old lady won't lock our door tonight after hearing it."

Lian Qiao: "..." It would be embarrassing if it was unlocked suddenly.

It turned out that the old lady did not lock the door at night.

After a night, Lian Qiao felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Xue Fei checked it carefully, and frowned: "It's better to apply some medicine, I have a bottle with me, just wait for me."

Lian Qiao grabbed his arm, "Why do you have such a thing?"

"It was given by the people in the village."

"Why do I not believe you a little?"

Xue Fei smiled, lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead. "Really, I don't lie to you."

It was indeed a gift from the people in the village. Although it has never been used, Xue Fei once thought that it would never be used.

When Xue Fei walked out of the room, the old lady was sitting in the main hall having breakfast.

Normally, she would wait for Lian Qiao and Xue Fei to come over for dinner, but today she didn't wait. "Xiaofei, Qiaoqiao won't go to the shop today, will she?"

Xue Fei's footsteps stopped.

"Don't let her go, take a good rest, and you can go to the shop to watch later."

The old lady is someone who has experienced it, and she really can't bear the heart of her granddaughter-in-law to go out to earn money after what happened. "If Qiaoqiao is really worried... you can drive her there."

Buy a broken car and don't drive it, just play.

"Grandma, Xiangman Road is too close to here." Xue Fei replied matter-of-factly, noticing that the old lady's eyes were not right, she changed her words: "Okay."

Xue Fei took the medicine and went back to the room, carefully applied the medicine, although the movements were gentle, it still made Lian Qiao tremble.

He touched the gun to kill people, and he didn't want to do such a thing one day.


Xiangman Road has just opened, and it will be busy for a while, and when the business is on the right track, Lian Qiao will be able to get away.Just check the account every now and then and research new products.

In order to do a paternity test, Lian Qiao cooperated with the hospital to collect blood.Then Bo Xilin disappeared in Pingxi for ten days, and brought a man with him when he came back.

The man's surname is Fu, and his name is Fu Chen. His father and Bo Xilin have been friends for many years.

Xue Fei met Fu Chen before Lian Qiao, the young master of the Jiangbei Fu family, he had heard of and dealt with him before.

Although the Bo family is dominant in Jiangbei, the descendants of the Bo family are few. Bo Xilin, who is almost 50 years old, has no children. It is really worrying whether the blood of the Bo family can continue.So anyone with a discerning eye knows that the future overlord of Jiangbei must be Fu Chen, the young master of the Fu family.

The moment Fu Chen saw Xue Fei, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "I heard that Uncle Bo's daughter was found, so I came here for a blind date. Master Xue, do you think I stepped on a thunder?"

It seems that the marriage between the Bo Fu family is dead.

Xue Fei curled his lips: "It's good that you know."


(End of this chapter)

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