Chapter 463 The bandit leader is surnamed Xue (49)

Shi Shenguang said with a cold face, "You will never see her again."

Shi Tai's heart skipped a beat. "Why? What did you do to her?"

He lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed, and his large movements involved the wound, throbbing with pain.

Shi Shenguang turned his face away and didn't look at him, "It's nothing, it's just arranging for their family to leave Pingxi. As long as you are obedient, I guarantee that she will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of her life, but if you are disobedient, Lin Hongyu can't bear the consequences." Got it."

Shi Tai raised his eyes, and the sadness poured out of his eyes. "Be obedient? How do you listen? When you took over, the family still married a wife and had children according to your wishes?! Why did you do this? Don't you know that I like her?"

Shi Shenguang was angry, "As long as I have other sons, I don't care about you! Shi Tai, you were born in the Shi family and have enjoyed the treatment of the Shi family's young master for so many years. You really think you can do whatever you want. Are you free to fall in love?"

Just wishful thinking!
"And don't you know the level of the woman you like? Now Lian Qiao has confirmed that she is Bo Xilin's long-lost daughter. The Bo family's heirs are weak, which means that the entire Bo family will become Xue Fei's help in the future. Shi Tai, I don't want to be swallowed up by others If you lose, you will have to weigh the pros and cons, including your marriage!"

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

Born in troubled times, isn't it the law of the jungle?

Shi Tai understood that he was not strong enough, and he couldn't protect Lin Hongyu.

He lowered his eyes and clenched his fists.

There is always a moment that will make people grow up instantly.For example, when you lose your only protective umbrella and need to face the wind and rain in the world independently, for example, at a certain point in time, you find that you can't even protect the person you love the most.

Shi Shenguang saw that Shi Tai looked a little lonely, and said: "I don't want to hurt her, and you don't want to disappoint me. There is one more thing I want to tell you, the little girl who saved you back then has been found, not Lin Hongyu, but Miss Han Shiyun, believe it or not, anyway, the daughter-in-law of the Shi family can never be such a useless woman as Lin Hongyu."

All these years, Shitai had only favored Lin Hongyu because of an accident in his childhood.When Shi Tai was rescued, the first person he saw when he opened his eyes was Lin Hongyu with two little jiujiu tied up.

"How come..." Shi Tai couldn't believe his ears. "How could it not be her!"

Shi Shenguang snorted coldly: "You can figure it out for yourself. You have been so indulgent to Lin Hongyu all these years, and you will give what you want. Shi Tai, the most unlucky thing in her life is to meet you!"

Otherwise, he wouldn't be raised as a useless person!
Although the family background of the Lin family is average, both Lin's father and Lin's mother are hardworking and hardworking workers.If they hadn't met Shi Tai, they might have tried their best to raise money for Lin Hongyu to study, or asked someone through their relationship to take her to learn a craft.

In any case, at least he was able to live independently.

When the right age is reached, Lin's father and Lin's mother will arrange a blind date with Lin Hongyu, and find a man who is also down-to-earth and good to her to be her son-in-law.The young couple don't say how rich they are, at least they can hold up the ordinary and happy life together with both hands.

At that time, Lin Hongyu may be confident and beautiful, understanding human feelings, and understanding the world.

So for Lin Hongyu, Shi Tai is more like a candy wrapped in arsenic, sweet but deadly.

After Shi Shenguang left, Shi Tai couldn't recover for a long time.

Lin Hongyu was not the girl who saved him back then, so he recognized and loved the wrong person.


(End of this chapter)

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