Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 467 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 467 Open the door and collect the rent (2)

The little boy smiled like a little devil.

Lian Qiao had a half-smile, and directly pulled her up and spanked her.

What a cute ghost, she retracted her previous opinion.

The little boy started to struggle after being hit for the first time, and the more he struggled, the harder he was beaten, until finally he burst into tears.

Chen Xi knew this child. His father was hit on the head by a falling hammer on a construction site a few years ago because he was not wearing a safety helmet. He was sent to the hospital and died.When his father passed away, Huzi was only a few days old.Later, his mother ran away when she was confinement, and now grandma Huang Cui is taking care of him while picking up waste.

As the only seedling in the family, Huang Cui will not be a child no matter how hard it is.Pampering and pampering, the tiger will become more and more skinny.Chen Xi remembered that just a few months ago, a pregnant woman in the alley seemed to be pushed by a tiger, and then she had a miscarriage that night.

At this time, Hu Zi was beaten up and cried, Lian Qiao grabbed his little hand and asked, "Do you know what's wrong?"

"I was right! You deserve it!"

Lian laughed angrily, "How do I deserve it?"

"Who told you to wear a light-colored skirt? If you wear black, you can't see the dirty spots!"

"Then according to what you say, I deserve to be stained by you if I wear light colors, right?"


Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows, and in the next second she grabbed Hu Zi's wrist and put him down in a slightly larger and deeper puddle.

Chen Xi saw that Lian Qiao not only put the tiger down, but also rolled it on the ground like kneading dough to ensure that the white sweater on his body was evenly covered with muddy water from front to back.

"You are also dressed in white, so you deserve it too, right?"

Huzi burst into tears immediately, and Lian Qiao slapped him on the ass. "Don't cry, if you cry again, I'll throw you into the river to drink water!"

The threat was very effective, Hu Zi immediately stopped talking, and covered his mouth with his dirty little hand very seriously.

"Do you know what's wrong now?"

Huzi didn't speak, tears rolled in his eyes.

"No matter what clothes I wear, you shouldn't tread water on purpose. Even if I wear black and I can't see the mud spots, if you stain my clothes on purpose, it's your fault, understand?"

Huzi finally nodded miserably.

Lian Qiao patted his head, "Be good, don't bully others, or one day you will offend someone who is stronger than you, and then it will not be as simple as rolling in puddles today, you know?"

"Got it. Auntie, it hurts..."

This sudden change made Lian Qiao's waist flash.

Aunt?She will be fine this year too!
Pain?What are you acting like a spoiled brat?

But that's exactly what she does.

Lian Qiao took Hu Zi's little hand, "Is there anyone in your family?"

Huzi shook his head, sobbed a bit, and said, "Grandma is out."

Lian Qiao was so helpless, "Let's go, I'll help you take a shower and change your clothes."

The rent of the first house could not be collected.

After tossing the bear boy, in the end, he still had to close the stall by himself.

At this time, Chen Xi, who had been shutting down the microphone, finally went online: "Let me come, after all, I am a boy."

Just as Chen Xi was about to go forward to hold the tiger, he was pushed hard.

Huzi was still young, so Chen Xi didn't fall down, but his body swayed a bit.

"Don't touch me! Your mother is a cousin, and so are you!"

Chen Xi's eyes were dim, and Lian Qiao glanced at him, then patted Huzi's head, and asked, "Who taught you that?"

Huzi thought for a while, "Everyone says so."

"Then what's your name?"


Lian Qiao: "Huzi, isn't it, sister... Auntie told you a truth today, what others say may not be right."

"Then what is right?"

(End of this chapter)

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