Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 470 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 470 Open the door and collect the rent (5)

It's not that Pei Shen doesn't want to be with his sister, it's just that he can't help it.If he doesn't stand up, the uncles in the family can force their brothers and sisters to death.

The human heart is the most untestable thing.

Seeing that Lian Qiao was doing well, Pei Shen finally let go of his hanging heart.He rushed forward and hugged Lian Qiao tightly in his arms. "I'm sorry, brother is too busy, brother apologizes!"

When boarding the plane, Pei Shen carefully recalled the state of his sister in the past year, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.In the early hours of the morning, he became more and more afraid, always feeling that his sister would do something extreme.

Seeing that Lian Qiao is doing well now, Pei Shen suddenly feels lucky to have survived the catastrophe.

Pei Shen let go of Lian Qiao, and gently and carefully took her arm. "Qiaoqiao told my brother, how do you feel recently? Why are you tired? Is it because of too much academic pressure in the third year of high school?"

It is said that an elder brother is like a father, Lian Qiao believes that the original owner can also feel Pei Shen's love for her, otherwise she would not worry that her elder brother would be too sad after her death.

"Brother, I just miss you so much."

The original owner last met Pei Shen probably more than two months ago.

Pei Shen couldn't help blaming himself, he patted Lian Qiao's head. "My brother misses you too. My brother promises to spend more time with you in the future. After you graduate from high school, my brother will take you back to Bohai."

Lian Qiao nodded, her eyebrows curved: "Okay."

Although Lian Qiao looked normal, Pei Shen was still a little worried.While going to the supermarket to buy ingredients, Pei Shen called his assistant to contact the best psychiatrist in Yungang as soon as possible, regardless of the cost.

He only has one younger sister, and there must be no mistakes.

At noon, Pei Shen cooks for himself, cooks a large table of dishes, and carefully asks Lian Qiao if she has made new friends recently, if there is anything she wants, if she has any troubles in school or life, and so on.

Lian Qiao thought, if the original owner's depression wasn't that serious, if he waited a little longer, he would be able to wait for his brother.But if there is no if, last night, the original owner must have felt extremely uncomfortable.Shrouded in oppression, no matter how you walk, you can't get out of the confinement.

Lian Qiao thought that she couldn't judge that the original owner was not strong enough from the perspective of God. In fact, the depression in her heart was far more painful and deeper than others imagined.

Now the soul of the original owner has been reincarnated, I hope she can live a healthy and happy life in the next life.

Facing Pei Shen's questions, Lian Qiao answered them one by one according to the original owner's memory.

Only then did Pei Shen remember to ask, "By the way, where were you just now? I was scared to death just now."

When he found no one in the apartment, he broke out in a cold sweat.

"I went to find my classmates."

Pei Shen was slightly stunned, and then a great sense of joy welled up in his heart. "real?"

Lian Qiao nodded, "But his family conditions are not very good."

"That's all right. Making friends is to exchange sincerity. How can anyone consider family conditions when making friends? Besides, people who can be friends with Qiaoqiao must not be far behind."

Pei Shen babbled like an old father, "Qiaoqiao, tell brother if you don't have enough money, go out with your classmates if you have nothing to do, watch movies and go shopping. It's lonely after staying alone for a long time."

Lian Qiao felt that Pei Shen had agreed to be a female classmate by default, so she silently took a mouthful of rice and said, "Okay."

The original host doesn't have a good appetite, so Pei Shen always puts more dishes for Lian Qiao.Lian Qiao thought of something, and said, "Brother, there seems to be an entertainment company under the Pei Group in Yungang, can I apply to be an agent?"

(End of this chapter)

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