Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 472 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 472 Open the door and collect the rent (7)

Now Chen Xi is 15 years old and needs to rely on himself for rent and tuition.

Lian Qiao sighed softly, happiness in this world is always similar, but misfortune is different in each.Not all children can break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly and be reborn in Nirvana, more of them struggle helplessly in endless suffering.

[Tongzi, I remember you said before that the male supporting role will enter the entertainment industry in the future, do you have more detailed information? ]

The system nodded: [Chen Xi dropped out of school after passing the high school entrance examination.He couldn't afford high school tuition because no one was willing to help him because of his background. Later, when Sunny Entertainment was recruiting trainees, with food and lodging included, he went to sign up and was selected.

Later, he entered the entertainment industry.As a young rookie with no background or background, Chen Xi encountered unspoken rules in Sunny Entertainment.He must have been unwilling at first, but after being drugged, he refused to comply, and ran out through the window amidst the chaos.

On the second floor, although the people are fine, they are disfigured, and the road to performing arts ends here.After that, Chen Xi just disappeared from the world, no one knows where he went, and there is no more description in the information...]
Lian Qiao understood, [Okay, I see. ]
In this life, Chen Xing will not join Sunny Sky Entertainment, Tianxing Entertainment will be his most solid support.Even if it is an unspoken rule, it can only be...

Cough, everyone is decent.

When Lian Qiao saw Chen Xi, Chen Xi also noticed Lian Qiao.

Chen Xi turned the corner and entered the junior high school, but all he could think about was Lian Qiao's figure.Obviously just met yesterday, but it made him feel that they were two girls.Yesterday, I put on makeup and stepped on high heels to talk to him about collecting rent, and today I came to school in a simple skirt.

Sure enough, he lied to him.

She even has two faces!
Chen Xi walked forward absently. At this moment, a pretty girl with a ponytail called out to him.

"Chen Xi, are you okay?"

Chen Xi stopped, but didn't look back at her.

Kan Bingyun walked around in front of him, carefully watching Chen Xi's expression. "I'm sorry for yesterday's facts. Don't take what Leilei said to heart. She is a person who can't speak well. If I offend you, I will apologize to you."

When Chen Xi confessed to her yesterday morning, Kan Bingyun herself was taken aback.

In her impression, Chen Xi has always been a very controversial person in the class. Although his grades are good, his reputation is extremely poor.

Kan Bingyun had never paid much attention to this boy, so it was impossible to accept his confession.

Chen Xi recalled what Kan Leilei said yesterday, and pursed his lips: "She's right, I really don't deserve you, so just pretend I didn't look for you yesterday."

"Don't say that, don't deny yourself like that." Kan Bingyun glanced at her watch and was a little anxious: "I have something to do, so I'll leave first, don't let your imagination run wild."



Yesterday Kan Leilei said a lot of things, some of which I couldn't even hear.

For example, the toad wants to eat swan meat, for example, he is not worthy to carry Shao Qian's shoes.

For example, even if it's not Shao Qian, it's Ji Chen, what's the matter with Chen Xi.

Chen Xi admitted that the confession was impulsive, and Kan Leilei's words were like pouring cold water on his head, although it was a little harsh...

But, he is a bad person.

How can a person who can't even go through high school confess his love to others?

Chen Xi was shrouded in negative emotions, and even he himself didn't know how long he had stood there, and when he regained consciousness, he saw the blue and white figure in front of him.


 Chapter 4 today~
  Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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