Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 481 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 481 Open the door and collect the rent (16)

Lian Qiao's apartment is not far from the school, and she can take the bus or walk.For the same class time, Chen Xi had to get up more than two hours earlier because of the distance.

After Chen Xi got up according to his usual work and rest habits, he dawdled for a while before finally summoning up the courage to go to the kitchen.I don't know what Lian Qiao likes to eat, and there are not many ingredients in the kitchen and refrigerator, so Chen Xi only made noodles and fried a poached egg for Lian Qiao.

So after Lian Qiao washed up, she saw Chen Xi sitting at the table.There were two bowls of noodles on the table, and he was stiff and nervous that was visible to the naked eye.

It was also at this moment that Lian Qiao finally thought of one thing.She wholeheartedly wanted to keep Chen Xi by her side, but never thought about whether he was really used to it, whether he would feel a little bit of embarrassment at a certain point in time?

Lian Qiao hesitated for only two seconds, then walked to the table with a smile. "Morning, I planned to get up early to make breakfast, but I didn't expect you to wake up too early."

Chen Xi pursed his lips, "I'm used to it."

Lian Qiao took a bite of the noodles, and they tasted pretty good.While eating noodles, Lian Qiao casually said: "The company also has a dormitory, do you want to live with me, or with other trainees?"

"Go to the company!" Chen Xi almost blurted out.

Lian Qiao smiled suddenly, "Okay."

If it makes him feel more at ease, it shouldn't be a problem.

After the two of them had breakfast, they were still young, so they waited for a long time for the bus to come, so they simply walked to school.

On the way, although Chen Xi is only 15 years old, he is nearly 1.8 meters tall.Lian Qiao walked beside him, looking inexplicably harmonious from the back.

Not long after the two of them walked, the bus passed by them brightly, and then it got farther and farther away, until it turned a corner and could no longer be seen.

Lian Qiao suddenly felt a little funny, and asked Chen Xi: "Do you think it's a pity? If we wait a little longer, maybe we can wait for the bus."

Chen Xi thought for a while, "Sister, what do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, I just want to say that the time and energy we have spent are actually costs that can no longer be recovered. From an economic point of view, sunk costs should not affect our decision-making."

It's just that in real life, people are often affected by sunk costs, or even dragged down.

"What does my sister mean to say that the ten minutes we waited for the bus is already a sunk cost, and shouldn't affect our decision to continue waiting or leave?"

Lian Qiao nodded, "For another example, after five years of marriage, the husband has been abusing his wife for a long time. If this wife thinks that I have paid so much for this family, is it not worth asking for a divorce now? This is affected by sunk costs.

The scammer asked you to upgrade a certain service. At the beginning, they only cheated 100 or [-], and then more and more.The greater the sunk cost, the harder it is often for people to stop losses.So giving up is easy to say, but difficult to do. "

Chen Xi glanced at Lian Qiao next to him, his eyes darkened slightly: "Sister, do you want me to make a break with the past and start over?"

The corners of Lian Qiao's mouth twitched slightly: "It's okay if you think so, I just want you to stay away from Kan Bingyun. Before there are too many sunk costs, understand?"

Chen Xi: "..."

After a long time, Chen Xi finally said, "I was impulsive before."

"When you know the impulse, you brake in time."


Lian Qiao: "..."


 Lian Qiao: Did you brake?

  Chen Xi: Stop it!I was wrong (><)
(End of this chapter)

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