Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 483 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 483 Open the door and collect the rent (18)

"Miss Pei, in addition to these eight trainees, the company also has a few starlets. However, the resources are very cruel. Their contracts will expire next month, and they have already negotiated their next job. The possibility of renewal is almost impossible. Zero. So by next month, our company will really only have eight trainees left, plus Chen Xi's nine."

Before coming to the company, Lian Qiao had read all the materials and reports of Tianxing Entertainment.In a nutshell, it's three words: Miserable.

"Pei's company is also a well-known big company in China, and the only entertainment company under it is really not doing well." Lian Qiao curled her lips, "Well, from now on, these eight people, including Chen Xi, will be the nine people. I am in charge. Other trainees don’t need to sign anymore, and it’s meaningless if there are too many.”

Wang Hong nodded, "Okay, I will listen to Miss Pei."

In fact, for Lian Qiao, although the current situation of Tianxing Entertainment is not very good, it is easy to manage.From the company up to Wang Hong and down to the artists, they all regarded her as the last straw, which saved her from spending all her time in intrigue.

Lian Qiao glanced back at Chen Xi, and then said to the other trainees: "His name is Chen Xi, and he will eat and live with you in the future. I have an apartment building near the company, and you will live there directly tomorrow. One room. Zhang Mo, Xie Ting, you two are new here too, can you take him with you?"

Xie Ting's temperament was more stable, while Zhang Mo showed his canine teeth with a smile: "It's okay, sister Pei!"

Lian Qiao smiled slightly: "When you move in, a room will be specially vacated in the apartment building as your dance classroom. The company will also invite the best teachers to train you. In short, as long as you work hard, your professional ability will meet my requirements , the company's resources will not let you down."

After Lian Qiao finished speaking, the other trainees were secretly excited, but Zhang Mo laughed and let out a goose cry. "That's great, do I really have a chance to be on the show in the future!"

"Theoretically yes."


After Lian Qiao met the trainees, she watched everyone's best performance.Except for Zhang Mo, the others more or less have some foundation in singing and dancing.Especially Xie Ting, who was very stable from beginning to end, and the effect he showed was like a mature male group artist.

What is certain is that Xie Ting is an all-around entertainer.

It's a pity that it didn't fire.

After Lian Qiao nodded, she asked Zhang Mo: "What about you? You are new here, just perform what you are good at like Chen Xi."

Zhang Mo's hometown comes from deep in the mountains, and when he opens his voice, there is a high-pitched and clear singing.

His voice is pure and clear, like the sound of nature, people can follow the singing and imagine themselves flying high mountains, and have a panoramic view of the most natural scene.

Lian Qiao thought for a while, "Can you dance?"

Mr. Wang coughed lightly, "I'm having a headache too. Ms. Pei, I've taken two classes, but the effect is not very good."

The limbs are not coordinated at all, and you will never be able to step on the spot.

"Report! At the end of Zhang, he is still in the same hands and feet!" As soon as this remark came out, other people laughed.

Lian Qiao could tell that the relationship between these trainees was good. She turned on the player in her mobile phone and played the chorus of a love song with a wide range.

After dozens of seconds, Lian Qiao said, "Just listen to it once, can you sing?"

Only when singing, Zhang Mo's attitude will be serious.Following his memory, he finally sang the chorus part accurately.

Lian Qiao didn't seem surprised, and changed to a song with a deep voice, which Zhang Mo could quickly master.

"Dance lessons can continue, but if it doesn't work, don't bother, he is a natural singer." From voice to memory and comprehension, God is rewarding him.Lian Qiao raised her eyes and asked again, "Have you ever tried to compose your own songs?"

Zhang Mo scratched his head: "Are you making it up?"


(End of this chapter)

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