Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 490 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 490 Open the door and collect the rent (25)

Xie Ting and others successfully passed the draft interview half a month later, and then packed up their things and prepared to move into the recording building of Joule Video.

"During the recording process, you are not allowed to bring your mobile phone or communicate with the outside world. The recording time is four months." Lian Qiao took away all the mobile phones, and said: "It is said that there are a total of seven debut spots, and Qingtian Entertainment has decided on four. One, other big companies are still fighting for the remaining three debut spots.”


Lian Qiao paused for a moment, her eyes calm: "To tell you the truth, I have already talked to the senior management of Joule Video, and I promise that I will not maliciously edit your footage, let alone cut plums, but I have not won the debut, and there is no way to guarantee it." You can make it to the last group night."

She has the ability, but she didn't do it.

"Miss Pei means that in order to ensure fairness, we didn't make a reservation for the debut, but let us make our own breakthrough?"

Lian Qiao nodded: "National producers, how much support you can get from netizens depends on your own strength. Of course, if other companies personally intervene in the ticket pool, the money invested by Tianxing Entertainment will only be more or less. Except for not booking Debut position, I will do what I have to do.”

Xie Ting understood what Lian Qiao meant, and then led a few trainees into the recording building.

In the next few days, Joule Video uniformly took promotional photos of the talent show, and netizens also looked forward to the start of the show.

At the same time, Zhang Mo, who was staying in the apartment, was dancing lamely while complaining to Chen Xi: "Nine people went to seven people, and we were left alone in the empty room. When the show starts, I will help them! Babe is not convinced!"


Suddenly hearing Lian Qiao's voice, Zhang Mo turned around, "Sister Pei is here!"

Chen Xi originally practiced dancing in front of the mirror, but when he heard Zhang Mo's words, his hands moved a beat slower.

When he turned around, he saw that Lian Qiao was wearing her high school uniform and her hair was simply tied into a ponytail, showing her youthful beauty.

Lian Qiao smiled at Chen Xi, and then said: "They are going to participate in the talent show, and you also have other plans."

While speaking, Lian Qiao took out two documents from her schoolbag. "Let's watch it first, this is a popular variety show recently. I have agreed with the director, you two will be the flying guests in the next episode."

Chen Xi opened the file and found that it was a variety show called "I Come to the World to Take a Look".Different from other entertaining variety shows, it pays more attention to keeping up with hot topics on the Internet while pursuing variety show effects, and then invites different flying guests to discuss related emotional topics.

There are so many wonderful emotions in the world, so I came to the world to have a look.

"The topic of the next issue is green tea and black tea?"

Lian Qiao nodded, "You can look up relevant information in the past few days, such as what is white lotus, what is green tea, and what is black tea. I negotiated with the director and set the recording time of the show at [-] o'clock on Sunday morning."

Both Zhang Mo and Chen Xi were exposed to these for the first time. After reading the information, Zhang Mo looked excited: "Sister Pei, the resident guest of this show is Mr. Zhou Lin, I like him very much! He is now in For new folk music, I can ask him for his autograph when I go to record a program!"

Lian Qiao thought that Zhang Mo would pay more attention to the female guests, but he didn't expect that Zhou Lin was what he was thinking about.

"You really want his autograph?"

Zhang Mo nodded frantically. If there was a tail, it would have been wagging to the sky at this moment.

"I have a stack at home, do you want it?"

(End of this chapter)

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