Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 498 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 498 Open the door and collect the rent (33)

The corners of Lian Qiao's mouth twitched slightly, "Judging from your tone, it feels like you will recognize you after choosing you."

"It's really hard to say. If it were me, I might not even bother to resist."

She is a very good person, she just wants to be a salted fish without much fighting spirit, the kind who can't survive with a whip.

But this time it was Kan Bingyun, she couldn't just watch her sister jump into the fire pit.

Lian Qiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "This is not a trivial matter, let me tell my brother, why don't I accompany you to Bohai tomorrow if I ask for leave?"

"No need, I'll go by myself. I'll take the exam in a few days, so don't mess around."

Kan Bingyu felt that it was already troublesome for Lianqiao, and she didn't want to make her go again.

Speaking of money, Lian Qiao can actually lend it to Kan Bingyu herself.But for some reason, she always felt that it would be better for Pei Shen to give the money.

Maybe...Pei Shen and Kan Bingyu can spark off?

Kan Bingyu asked for leave with the class teacher that afternoon, and got on the plane to Bohai early the next morning.


"I'm a businessman. You should know that a businessman can't get ahead without profit." Facing the girl in front of him, this was the first sentence Pei Shen said.

The Kan family and the Pei family were at odds, and Pei Shen couldn't find any reason to persuade him to pay.

Of course Kan Bingyu knew this truth, what was even more frightening was that Pei Shen had no hobbies, and she had no direction at all even if she wanted to match her interests.

Sighing softly, Kan Bingyu sat on the chair in front of Pei Shen, and there was only a desk between them.Pei Shen was still flipping through the documents, while Kan Bingyu rested her chin on her hands and didn't know what she was thinking.

Pei Shen didn't rush her, but let her stay in the office.

If it wasn't for Pei Shen's occasional movements of turning pages and signing, it would really look like a still picture.

I don't know how long it took before Kan Bingyu finally spoke weakly: "According to the plot in the novel, I should say that I am willing to give her body. If I say so, will Pei always think I'm shameless?"

Pei Shenjue didn't think that Kan Bingyu didn't know, anyway, Kan Bingyu felt quite shameless.

Pei Shen was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "You know it's a novel. Besides, your marriage shouldn't be based on a sum of money."

Because he also has a younger sister, and Kan Bingyu is Lian Qiao's friend, so no matter how he looked at it, Pei Shen didn't want to see Kan Bingyu's younger sister hurt.In fact, the moment Kan Bingyu entered, Pei Shen had already planned to invest in Kan's.As long as Kan Bingyu sells badly, he will not stand by and watch.

What made Pei Shen dumbfounded was that Kan Bingyu dawdled for a long time, thinking about what he could give him, but didn't mention what would happen to her if he didn't give it.

Selling miserably is a good way, and it can be a white wolf with nothing.

It's a pity that the little girl doesn't know how, and she is even a little stubborn.

Kan Bingyu sighed again. "That's even more difficult, why don't I give Qiaoqiao a free babysitter. I treat Qiaoqiao as a little ancestor, the kind that is always on call. Then I will write an IOU, and if I don't pay the money for a day, I will always Treat Pei as a cow or a horse?"

Pei Shen nodded, "Okay, you can write."

I don't know how long it will be delayed if I don't agree.

Kan Bingyu snorted, took out his notebook from his bag, tore off a piece of paper and wrote the IOU, then said: "Mr. Pei, actually asking you for help is the only way I can think of. But helping me is out of love." , It's my duty not to help me. Today I returned empty-handed, and that's not unacceptable. Mr. Pei, but if you help me, I will really keep this feeling in my heart!"


(End of this chapter)

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