Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 506 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 506 Open the door and collect the rent (41)

"Pei, Boss Pei, listen to my explanation! The two of them insisted on coming with me, and they made a promise on the way, but they offended you in one word. I'm really sorry..."

Before Kan Bingyu finished smoothing things over, Pei Shen heard Kan Bingyun ask suspiciously, "Aren't you brother-in-law?"

The amount on the check was not a small amount. If it wasn't for the unusual relationship, how could Pei Shen be willing to borrow money?

"No! It's money and sex!" Kan Leilei said viciously like a little lion with fried hair: "Pei, don't think that you can do whatever you want with a little money! Our family is not in a good situation now, so you Just sneak in and bully my sister, you are shameless!"

Kan Leilei was about to say something, but Kan Bingyu covered her mouth all of a sudden. "Don't talk about my aunt, it's nothing! Mr. Pei and I are innocent!"

These two little kids are so annoying, why don't you ask her alone if you want to ask something?Do you have to frighten Pei Shen so much in front of her!
Kan Leilei: "%&*#,..."

Although he didn't understand what the girl was saying, Pei Shen figured out with his toes that she must be scolding him.

Unbearable, Pei Shen said coldly, "Kan Bingyu, brother-in-law? Money and sex?"

The imagination is rich enough.

The money has been given, what about sex?

Knowing this, Pei Shen would rather use the money to invest in new works for Chen Xi than care about Kan Bingyu's life!

Kan Bingyu pushed Kan Bingyun and Kan Leilei into the apartment without any hassle, closed the door, and clasped his hands tremblingly, "Pei, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Children talk nonsense! They are also worried that I will be cheated by a scumbag. All the offenses are borne by me alone! Boss Pei, please don't blame them!!"

Pei Shen laughed angrily.

Kan Bingyu is really powerful, and he can light his fire easily.

He grabbed Kan Bingyu's shoulder, and after spinning for a while, Kan Bingyu felt himself being pushed against the wall.

Pei Shen's tone was dangerous: "You mean that your two younger sisters suspect that I'm a scumbag, that there is a sex transaction between us, and that I have seduced you with money, but the truth is that I am not, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes! You are as noble as a bright moon, in this life and in the next life, you will not be able to stand up to two scumbags~"

Pei Shen sneered, "I've given you the money, then what? You mean I'm not even as good as a scumbag?"

The scumbag got something anyway, and he, who dares to be as affectionate as Haoyue, came to do charity?

Kan Bingyu heard something unusual in Pei Shen's words, and suddenly frowned. "President Pei, you can't give up on yourself!"

Pei Shen: "..."

Never seen such a brazen person.

When Kan Bingyu and Pei Shen were discussing the money and sex deal outside the door, the living room of the apartment was actually quite awkward.

As Chen Xi's classmate, Kan Leilei naturally knew that he was signed by Lian Qiao to Tianxing Entertainment.

Now Chen Xi has appeared on several variety shows, and released a single with Zhang Mo and Zhou Lin.I heard that during the winter vacation, he is also recording a drama with a strong production team, and he seems to be an all-round artist on the rise.

The so-called feng shui turns, although outsiders don't know the current situation of the Kan family, but it is indeed not as good as before.Kan Leilei remembered that she had scolded Chen Xi a lot of harsh words before, but thinking about it now, she was really embarrassed.

Kan Leilei knew about Chen Xi's recent development, but didn't know that he was here today.

When the four eyes met, Kan Leilei coughed lightly, "I'll go out and see what they are doing."


(End of this chapter)

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