Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 508 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 508 Open the door and collect the rent (43)

When the clock struck zero, Chen Xi sent a red envelope to Lian Qiao alone.

Happy New Year, sister.


Unlike Bohai City, Yungang is allowed to set off firecrackers from the first day of the Lunar New Year to the third day of the Lunar New Year.Several people in the apartment were woken up by the sound of firecrackers early in the morning. When they opened the windows, they seemed to be able to smell the faint smell of gunpowder in the air.

Lian Qiao likes this kind of Spring Festival, no need to pay New Year greetings, no need to visit.Outside the window was the sound of firecrackers one after another, and inside the room were several people fighting together in the kitchen.When the cut vegetables were put into the frying pan, they sang songs.Stir-frying and stewing are obviously the same actions as usual, and they are extraordinarily warm during the Chinese New Year.

"Can you cook?" Pei Shen asked the two boys, Chen Xi and Zhang Mo.

Chen Xi nodded, "I know a little bit, but it's relatively simple."

In the past, he lived alone in a rented house, and there was no condition for him to cook some exquisite and exquisite dishes.

"It's okay, just read it twice." Pei Shen put the oil into the pot and said, "Qiaoqiao can also cook. When she was young, she also suffered a lot in places I couldn't see. But now It’s not like before, it’s all over.”

Hearing what Pei Shen said, Chen Xi remembered that he knew almost nothing about Lian Qiao's past...

Pei Shen left Yungang on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, and Chen Xi also boarded a plane on this day to film a movie elsewhere.After Lian Qiao sent everyone away, she suddenly felt that the apartment had become a little empty again.

In April, the promotional momentum of the group night of "True Color Boy" was getting bigger and bigger.Xie Ting and others have all broken into the top [-], but unfortunately, under the operation of capital, they are destined not to make their debut on the platform provided by Joule Video.

After several people finished recording the group night, they flew back to Yungang.It was raining that day and the sky was foggy.But it is not depressing, on the contrary, the woods and grass that have been washed by the rain give people a particularly refreshing feeling.

Lian Qiao waited at the airport with Chen Xi and Zhang Mo. After Xie Ting and the others got off the plane, Lian Qiao smiled: "It's been a hard few months, welcome home."

During the several months of recording "True Color Boys", the trainees of various companies not only huddled together, but also often suppressed others behind their backs.Under such circumstances, Xie Ting and others felt a sense of belonging even more.This sense of belonging to Tianxing Entertainment reached a climax in Lian Qiao's welcome home.

"I promised you to give you the best, so..." Lian Qiao chuckled, "I plan to let the nine of you form a group in place. You are the first and last boy group cultivated by Tianxing Men's group. It's not a limited group, it's never disbanded. It's not about cutting leeks, it's about making you the number one boy group in China.

And the debut date is the day when "True Color Boy" is aired on the group night! "

Xie Ting thought that Lian Qiao might arrange other resources for them, but never thought that they would form a group in place!If so, it means that this regiment was destined to be extraordinary from the very beginning.

"The date of debut coincides with the broadcast date of the group night, sister Pei is planning to make our two groups face each other?" After several months of practice, although Zhang Mo's dance is not as good as Xie Ting and others, but it has improved divine speed.

Zhang Mo is naturally happy to be able to advance and retreat with everyone.

Lian Qiao nodded. "You were eliminated on the group night of "True Boys", and there must be a large number of fans who will be upset. Taking advantage of this wave of popularity to push you out will save effort and have a miraculous effect."

 Chapter 4 today~
  good night~
(End of this chapter)

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