Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 510 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 510 Open the door and collect the rent (45)

Fans feel sorry for their favorite trainees being eliminated due to capital manipulation. At the same time, Xie Ting and others also feel sorry for those fans who are full of enthusiasm for their rankings and statistics.

Especially Xie Ting, some old fans have gone through two eliminations with him.Once, he was out early, and once he missed his debut position with a near miss.

Xie Ting and the others' Weibo comments were filled with words of comfort and crying from fans, while in Lian Qiao's comment section, many people begged her to intervene in the result of her debut.

When the predicted melon sparked heated discussions on the Internet, companies such as Joule Video and Sunny Entertainment did not respond.Lian Qiao looked through some comments, and posted a Weibo that night: [When it is in full bloom, it is like a sky full of stars, and the stars are all about you, and the sky is not as good as you. ]
The accompanying picture is a picture of a sky full of stars, and then a picture taken casually during dinner at night.In the photo, nine boys held up the juice together, their eyes full of hope and smiles on their lips.

When seeing this photo, the fans burst into tears: [The babies are finally home, just go home as long as you go home.It's over, I really don't want to see the last episode of the show aired.If the prophecy is true, I will cry to death!I swear, I will never follow a talent show with real feelings again, it hurts so much! ]

It's just that what should come always comes. On April 28th, the last episode of "True Boys" was broadcast.Tianxing Entertainment is obviously the strongest, but they didn't get a debut position.

The program only aired for 5 minutes, and the Internet was full of wailing.

At the same time, Lian Qiao's official announcement was made. [Due to signing a non-disclosure agreement, it is a pity that I was not able to inform everyone of the debut result as soon as possible.During the recording of the program, many fans and friends helped our artists to hit the charts.We have received everyone's wishes. In order to give back to you, fans and friends are requested to bring valid receipts and identity information, and contact the relevant fan support club within a week to get back the amount of the list.

In addition, the only boy group of our company will officially debut today. The members are Xie Ting, Sun Zerui, Wang Taixi, Chen Xi, Zhang Mo, Zhao Xiao, Hua Cheng, Tang Wenxing and Gao Zhi. Xie Ting will be the captain and the C position .

The Chinese group name of the group is tentatively named Mantianxing, and the English group name is tentatively named ALLSTAR.Gypsophila, the English name is baby's breath, the baby's breath is pure, soft and beautiful.In the days to come, the ALLSTAR men's team will not forget their original aspirations and forge ahead.

Finally, when it is in full bloom, it is like a sky full of stars, all the stars are you, and the sky is not as good as you. ]
After Lian Qiao's Weibo post was posted, not only Everbright netizens were shocked, but everyone from Joule Video and Sunny Entertainment froze in place as if struck by lightning.

[So hot?It's too ugly to eat.We are all colleagues, is this deliberately embarrassing us? ] Within a few minutes, such a post was posted on the official Weibo of Joule Video, and then deleted in seconds.

Even so, there are still many fast-handed netizens who took screenshots.

[Ugly looking?Whose eating is ugly? ] After the screenshot was widely forwarded on the Internet, some netizens immediately scolded: [Why is Xie Ting so good that he doesn't even have a debut position?If you don't give it, Tianxing Entertainment will form a group by itself! ]

[That’s right, I thought I’d cry to death when the last episode aired, but I didn’t expect Tianxing to be so fresh, the company’s nine artists debuted in place, and Xie Ting was not only the C position but also the team leader!Dream come true, dream come true!Let me say one more thing: joules must be confused, and the real youth group will be confused underground! ]


(End of this chapter)

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