Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 512 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 512 Open the door and collect the rent (47)

[Hard to say.Before, my younger sister arranged for seven people to participate in the real talent talent show, and Xie Ting and the seven of them have already gathered a lot of fans through this show.But Chen Xi and Zhang Mo are not bad, and my sister has arranged a lot of resources for them.

Moreover, the two of them probably won't be limited to group activities in the future. Zhang Mo is more inclined to take the road of music. Chen Xi is the youngest, but currently he is the most versatile one.So I think... the person my sister admires the most is Chen Xi? ]
[Hahaha, I don't know who my sister admires the most, I only know that my sister is so happy, nine handsome guys are always on call, isn't this too cool? ]
[Upstairs, please correct me, Boss Pei is also top-notch. ]
[Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow ]

For more than a month before the end of Chen Xi's high school entrance examination, Lian Qiao did not fight for more resources in the gang. Instead, she asked Xie Ting to lead everyone in closed training in the apartment for more than a month.

In this more than a month, Zhang Mo and everyone have more running-in in dance, and there is also a tacit understanding among the members.

After Chen Xi's high school entrance examination, Lian Qiao arranged a slow variety show about tourism and culture for everyone.Nine people recorded, Lian Qiao accompanied.Since the production team was carefully selected by Pei Shen, all the shooting schedules of the program group follow the rhythm of Lianqiao.

We walked through the beautiful ancient town together, saw the sea together, climbed the mountains together, listened to the most touching folk songs together, and saw the most shocking sunrise together.It's not so much a slow variety show, it's more like a public tour.

It was mid-August when the tour ended.According to Pei Shen's request, Lian Qiao can just return to Bohai directly from the scenic spot.So the night before leaving the scenic spot, Chen Xi suddenly called Lian Qiao out.

The night was filled, and the boy's voice was sweet and deep. "Sister, you are studying in Bohai, will you come to Yungang to visit us?"

"Yes." Lian Qiao smiled slightly, "University has few courses, and there are weekends, so my time will be very loose. But you, high school is no more than junior high school, you have to work harder, you know?"

As early as half a month ago, Lian Qiao had already obtained Chen Xi's high school entrance examination scores.The first place in the middle school section of Yungang No. 10 Middle School, the school even promised that as long as Chen Xi continued to study in Yungang No. [-] Middle School, not only the tuition fee would be waived, but also an extra bonus of [-] yuan would be given.

Facing Lian Qiao's advice, Chen Xi nodded. "I will, it's just my sister..."

"what happened?"

Chen Xi hesitated for a while, and finally said: "But will my sister fall in love after she goes to college?"

After going to college, I have a lot of freedom, and falling in love is also a common thing.

Lian Qiao thought it was funny, "Why are you asking this? You have to find the right person to fall in love."

She hadn't told Chen Xi not to fall in love early, but Chen Xi asked her if she would fall in love.

"Then what kind of talent is suitable?" Can he do it.

It's just that we need to wait a little longer, the current him is not the best.

Lian Qiao thought for a while, then smiled: "Like me, treat me well, and I like it too."

It makes sense to go both ways.

"are these all?"

Lian Qiao nodded.

Chen Xi's eyes darkened slightly. "But my sister is so good, there must be many boys who like her. As long as you want to pursue your sister, you will definitely treat her well. As for the last point..."

There are too many variables in the four years of university, Chen Xi dare not take risks.

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

"Sister, will you like me?"

 Chapter 4 today~
  Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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