Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 514 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 514 Open the door and collect the rent (49)

In this way, "The Star and You" appeared in people's field of vision with a very low-key and very real attitude.Netizens couldn't help teasing: [It's over, every time I open the video, I don't know whether to watch the scenery or my baby, so I can only watch it twice. (dog head)]
[I agree with the above, but I have to watch it a few more times, I like everyone in the group so much!Especially Wang Taixi, Sun Zerui and Zhang Mo, the three clowns, it's a pity that such handsome guys have a mouth. ]
[I really envy you, I want to see my sister's figure, but unfortunately, it's always just the back and profile that the photography teacher accidentally took in! ]
The military training at Bohai University lasts for two weeks, from mid-September to the end of September.When the military training is over, the National Day holiday will begin.

During the military training, Lian Qiao lived in a four-person dormitory.The roommate came from all corners of the country, and she was the only Bohai native.

It's embarrassing to say that during the half month of military training, Lian Qiao didn't even know a few classmates in her class, and some of them had already left the order.

Later, the girls in the same dormitory fell in love one after another, and the dormitory was filled with pink bubbles of love.

Lian Xiaohua Qiaohuali became a widowed king.

"Lian Qiao, your qualifications are really good. Many boys in our university city like you, but they dare not speak up." Enthusiastic roommates provide online counseling on relationship issues. "If you want me to say, girls can also take the initiative.

If you fall in love with a boy, don't be shy, just tell us!If we let the news out on the front foot, people will definitely chase us downstairs in the dormitory! "

"Yes, yes." Another roommate echoed, and then excitedly said: "Or do you already have a goal? Tell me quickly, is it an artist under you? Who, my mother, I'm so excited!"

"Speaking of this, I just remembered that Lian Qiao and everyone in the ALLSTAR boy group seem to have CP-edited videos. Especially Xie Ting, Chen Xi, and Zhang Mo, the hits are super high!"

Lian Qiao was slightly taken aback, she really didn't know about this.

Since she went to college, apart from focusing on her studies, she spent the rest of her time choosing scripts, choosing variety shows, spot-checking the practice room dances of Xie Ting and others, etc.She pays little attention to public opinion on the Internet, and pays more attention to the quality of the boy group's works.

Seeing Lian Qiao's dazed look, her roommate gave her a website address. "That's it. You can click on it to see the collection of stars in the sky. There are various videos in it, which are said to be made by Xie Ting's hardcore fans."

Lian Qiao thanked her, and after taking a shower, she put on her earphones and lay down on the bed, and entered the website comfortably.

The first thing Lian Qiao clicked on was not Chen Xi's video, she watched Xie Ting's and Zhang Mo's clips successively, and she was angry and funny for a while.

The smooth editing, the complete story line, and the just-right lyrical and leisurely music, not to mention the netizens, even Qiao Qiao herself has been hit by sugar!

The video shows Xie Ting as an image of a stumbler on the way to pursue his dream, but he gritted his teeth and never gave up.In front of the team members, Xie Ting is the strict and responsible captain, only in front of Lian Qiao, he smiles gently...

Lian Qiao: "..."

What are you doing? ?

Is Xie Ting smiling at her?It’s not that good, it’s obviously because I was amused while watching a comedy movie! !

If Xie Ting's video follows the route of an idol drama, Zhang Mo's short video is full of his straight man quotes from beginning to end.


(End of this chapter)

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