Chapter 522 Open the door to collect rent (2)

After Feng Xian got into the car and left, Chen Xi's eyes darkened slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Dad, is he Dad's dad?"

Hearing his daughter's voice, Chen Xi came back to his senses, and carried her upstairs. "I do not know."

"Dad didn't have Dad before, so would Dad not want the moon?"

Chen Xi patted her head, "Why, mom and dad will only have a baby named Moon. If there is no moon, mom and dad will be very sad. So you have to eat obediently, don't be picky eaters, don't eat only meat and no vegetables, Don't kick the quilt at night, if you get sick, your parents will be very sad."


About a year later, a lawyer suddenly came to Chen Xi, saying that there was an inheritance that he needed to inherit.It was also at this time that Pei Shen finally remembered that he had met gambling king Feng Xian once.The king of gambling has been a romantic all his life, but he didn't expect that Chen Xi was also his wandering child.

Chen Xi's eyes... looked exactly like Feng Xian.

Chen Xi didn't go to specifically check Feng Xian's deeds, but learned relevant information from Pei Shen one after another.

A generation of gambling kings, how arrogant they were when they were young, and how lonely they were when they were old.When he was diagnosed with cancer, his sons, daughters, and grandchildren were all thinking about how to divide up his property.

Chen Xi didn't know how much inheritance was left to him, so he discussed it with Lian Qiao and donated it all the next day.Chen Xi personally monitored the whereabouts of all the money to ensure that it was sent to those who really needed it.

In this way, it can be regarded as accumulating virtue and doing good deeds.

No one knows how many wandering sons of gambling kings like Chen Xi are. It's just Feng Xian's romantic debt, which he can't pay off, even himself can't count.After a night of absurdity, the children left behind were innocent.

That night, Chen Xi hugged her beautifully.The moonlight shone into the room through the window, and his voice was a little hoarse. "Qiaoqiao, I really can't imagine what life would be like without you."

Lian Qiao knew that it was a dark day.

Sighing softly, she said: "I don't know what life would be like without you. As I said, it makes sense to go both ways. Only when you and I are together, can there be a little moon and our family."

She is in the low point, and she is also in the glory.

She is there for white tea and joy, and she is also for fresh clothes and angry horses.

Chen Xi turned over and planted a kiss on Lian Qiao's lips, and then the room was full of charm...


Chen Xi once told Little Moon that she was the only baby, but in fact, these words were not meant to coax her.

Even when Qiao gave birth to Little Moon, Chen Xi's legs went limp outside the delivery room.A man who filmed "Lost Civilization" in horrific conditions ends up breaking down outside the delivery room.

After Lian Qiao was confinement, Chen Xi went to the hospital for a ligation operation.The two children could indeed have a companion, but Chen Xi really couldn't bear to let Lian Qiao have another childbirth.And he was sure that if Lian Qiao accidentally got pregnant with a second child, there was a high probability that she would give birth, just like what Pei Shen and Kan Bingyu did.

In order to avoid this tangled situation, Chen Xi directly underwent surgery.

Although occasionally I would envy Pei Shen for having both children, but everyone's life is different, it doesn't matter which choice is better, as long as you live your own life well.

For Chen Xi, as long as Lian Qiao and her daughter are healthy and happy, nothing else matters.

Later, little moon got married and formed her own small family.

Later, Chen Xi asked Lian Qiao: "Qiao Qiao, do we still need to invest more in the fund we established for the depressed group?"

Lian Qiao nodded: "Yes, not only the later treatment, but also the early mental health promotion and psychological counseling. I hope that everyone will pay attention to mental health, and I hope that everyone will not be deeply troubled by negative emotions."

Chen Xi didn't know why Lian Qiao had been obsessed with speaking out for the depressed group all these years, but as long as she said it, Chen Xi would follow through.

Where the sun shines, it is full of clarity...

(End of this chapter)

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