Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 530 Demon Lord, Do You Eat Hot Pot?

Chapter 530 Demon Lord, Don’t You Eat Hot Pot (8)

Meng Jie was pushed out by the powerful force from the immortal rope.

He hit his back against the wall, fell heavily to the ground, and then spat out a mouthful of blood.

The corners of Lian Qiao's mouth twitched slightly.

Oops, I bumped into the same wall and the same position as Chao Yan, and fell down in the same posture of vomiting blood.

Tan Xiu turned his head and looked at Meng Jie like a fool. "If it wasn't the real fairy rope, do you think I would be tied up?"

Is it stupid?

No wonder the original plot is always a spare tire.

After Meng Jie thought about it, it seemed to make sense.

But having said that, his Demon Lord is still tied up.Meng Jie stood up tremblingly, and finally looked at Lian Qiao with a little fear in his eyes.

I've heard that Xin Lianqiao, the proprietress of the night market, has three ancient artifacts in her hand, but I didn't expect that she also has a fairy rope in her hand!

"Ma'am, what exactly do you want to do?" The Demon Realm cannot live without the Demon Lord!
At this time, Qin Xiu also agreed. "That's right, what exactly does the proprietress want to do? To put it bluntly, there is nothing I can't give you."

Lian Qiao took a deep breath, trying to keep her tone calm. "I can't untie you now, you should know that?"

Qin Xiu nodded.

At this time, Meng Jie enthusiastically said: "When you untie the fairy rope, you need a spell. Ma'am, you don't know the spell, do you? If you don't know, why did you tie the demon king? Do you want to tie him up forever?"

With a smile on Lian Qiao's face, in her heart...

Sensing that Lian Qiao was on the verge of getting angry, Tan Xiu said slowly: "Meng Jie, go back first, the proprietress is happy with me, she won't hurt me. Qiao Qiao, what should I say about you? I like you, why is this?"

Meng Jie was shocked.

After Meng Jie left, Tan Xiu comforted Lian Qiao who was about to explode: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tease you."

"Isn't that intentional? You know that I don't know how to spell, but you still hand over the fairy rope to me. Even if you are tied, you deserve it!"

When the girl was angry, her cheeks were slightly red, Tan Xiu looked at her for a while, and then smiled. "Qiaoqiao, I finally came to you with my memory, are you really going to be angry with me?"

"I handed you the immortal rope and let it recognize you as the master, because I am afraid that I will hurt you. The demon king Qin Xiu of this plane is too demonic, and sometimes I can't suppress the demonic nature in my body. All the people in the demon world just now Leaving the hot pot restaurant together, and even wanting to use the fairy rope to deal with you, it is because of the magic."

He handed over the fairy rope to Lian Qiao a minute earlier to prevent Lian Qiao from being injured.

After hearing Qin Xiu's explanation, Lian Qiao frowned. "who are you?"

This is not Mozun Tanxiu, nor even the original character of this plane like her.For the first time, Lian Qiao felt that she was so close to the truth, and so close to him.

Qin Xiu still smiled slightly, "Su Sui, Shen Zhao, Xiao Qingyou, the souls of all the male supporting roles are me. It's just that I don't remember the previous plane, pretty, and time is running out. Don't be angry with me, okay?" it is good?"

Now that Tan Xiu was standing in front of her, Lian Qiao felt like a most familiar stranger.At the same time, besides the heart, there is also a memory that I can't recall no matter how I think about it.

"Can, can you tell me your original name?"

Qin Xiu shook his head, his eyes were gentle. "It's not the time yet, but you have to believe that I will be with you. One day, I will let you leave the plane. At that time, we can truly be together."

"Then... who am I?"

Tan Xiu approached Lian Qiao, and even though his body was bound by red silk, he still lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead. "You are Lianqiao, my pretty."

"What about my previous memories?"

Lian Qiao couldn't believe that she had no memory before binding the system.

Qin Xiu's eyes darkened slightly. "Let's talk about it later."


(End of this chapter)

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