Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 533 Demon Lord, Do You Eat Hot Pot?

Chapter 533 Demon Lord, Don’t You Eat Hot Pot (11)

Then, her night market also has Jade Emperor's eyeliner.

When Lian Qiao's thoughts were flying, Meng Jie had already picked up his weapon and strode out.It is said that people in the devil world are warlike, even if there is no Qin Xiu in charge, they will never sit still and catch them without a fight.

The magic soldiers walked out in a neat queue, and it was a mess.

Lian Qiao's red dress stood out even more in this black and deep demon world. She flew in front of Meng Jie, stood shoulder to shoulder with him, and said, "Give me the overturned roulette, and I will help you protect the demon world."

Without Qin Xiu, Meng Jie and Ji Yu would almost certainly lose in the battle.

But he didn't care, "Miss Boss, do you think I, Meng Jie, will be afraid! Even if I die today, I won't tell you the whereabouts of the overturned roulette. And I don't need you to be hypocritical here, if it's not because you can't spell , how could Your Majesty be tied up with an immortal rope?"

From a distance, Lian Qiao could already see the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals in silver armor standing in the sky.She frowned, "I don't know how to spell, but you don't have to use spells to untie the fairy rope. I have already discussed with your lord, and the purpose of overturning the roulette is to restore him to freedom.

Meng Jie, I have no grievances with you in the past, and I have no grievances in the present. Why do you think I should fight against your entire demon world? "

When Lian Qiao said this, her tone was sincere, and Meng Jie was also a little shaken.After hesitating for two or three seconds, he said, "Okay, you help me repel the people in the fairy world, and I will personally present you with the overturning roulette."

Lian Qiao nodded.

It would be great to reach a consensus.


Everyone in the Six Realms knows that Ji Yu is the number one general in the Immortal Realm, who used his own strength to suppress a demon clan thousands of years ago.In terms of force value, within the six realms, only Tan Xiu could fight against him.

But now that Qin Xiu is not here, according to the Jade Emperor, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win the Demon Realm.But when Ji Yu saw the woman in red beside Meng Jie, she felt that the matter was not simple: "Boss lady?"

The Jade Emperor only said that Princess Chaoyan was taken away by Qin Xiu, who in turn was bound by the night market proprietress with a fairy rope, but he did not say that Xin Lianqiao was with Meng Jie at the moment.

And judging from this, the proprietress is clearly on the side of the demon world.

Ji Yu always felt that something was wrong.What is the position of this proprietress, is it an enemy or a friend?

Lian Qiao once had a relationship with Ji Yu, and her speech and demeanor were personable, without any flaws at all.The red lips curled slightly, and said: "General Ji Yu is in such a big battle, those who don't know will think that something big has happened."

"Miss Boss, something really happened. Princess Chaoyan was taken away by Mozun, and her whereabouts are still unknown." Facing Lianqiao, Ji Yu was gentle and polite.

"Nonsense!" At this moment, a soldier from the Demon Realm suddenly reported to Meng Jie. "General, I was eating hot pot at the night market not long ago, and I saw Princess Chaoyan trespassing in the night market, trying to borrow the red cloud mirror from the lady boss. She just left.

General, everything this subordinate said is true. Other people who ate hot pot saw it at the time, and the proprietress can also testify! "

Lian Qiao waved the red feather fan in her hand a few times, "That's right, it's true."

"Princess Chaoyan left?" Ji Yu's eyes darkened slightly.

If there were only the words of people in the demon world, Ji Yu would not believe it.But if the proprietress of the night market said it, he couldn't help but believe it a little more.

"Princess Chao Yan has indeed left. Besides, His Majesty has no intention of taking her away. General Ji Yu is afraid that you have been fooled by someone in the fairy world."


(End of this chapter)

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