Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 537 Demon Lord, Do You Eat Hot Pot?

Chapter 537 Demon Lord, Don’t You Eat Hot Pot (15)

The Wisdom System sighed: [Qian'er doesn't have to worry too much, if the male partner who likes your host is really a high-level executive of the administration, then we will have to rely on you to take care of him in the future. ]
These days, there are people above who are easy to handle.

For example, matching with a host that is easier to get along with, or matching with a plane that is not so cruel, hey!

When the system was tense and anxious, Lian Qiao completely forgot about Tongzi.

No way, my son is obedient and obedient, he is a must-have little angel for home travel!It's just that the sense of presence is a little low, but it doesn't affect Tongzi's cuteness.

After Lian Qiao got the overturning roulette from Meng Jie, she soon returned to the night market in Lingshi by the Wangchuan River.

The sky has turned pale, and the night market is closed.

Lian Qiao walked through the hot pot restaurant and walked to the lounge at the back.At this time, Tan Xiuxiu was lying flat on the soft couch, sleeping peacefully.

Lian Qiao didn't want to disturb him, she just sat on the soft carpet and then dozed off with her head on the soft couch.

After traveling through so many planes, even though he knew it was him, those male supporting roles were people from the planes after all.Different identities, different appearances, meeting in different stories, either sad or happy, helpless or warm.

This time it is different, Tan Xiu is a male supporting role with memories, and Lian Qiao is not needed to meet, get acquainted, get along, and get to know each other.He is her lover, even if she waits there and does nothing, Tan Xiu will come to her.

After thinking about it, Lian Qiao fell into a deep sleep.

Subconsciously, her hand grabbed a corner of Tan Xiu's clothes.So looking from a distance, he saw a dignified and cold man in white clothes lying on his back on a soft couch, and then a girl in red clothes sleeping beside his bed.

Although the two touched only the corners of their clothes, they somehow felt that they were extremely close.

When Qin Xiu woke up, there was silence all around.

He tilted his head slightly, and saw his girl clutching the hem of his clothes in her palm, and then leaning quietly on the soft couch, she was very cute.

Tan Xiu only felt that somewhere in his heart was hit violently.He has loved her for so long, doesn't he just hope that when he wakes up every morning, the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes is her?
Because his body was bound by red silk, Tan Xiu took a deep look at Lian Qiao, and then closed his eyes tightly.

If time goes back, he will still choose to love her.Even if he absolutely shouldn't, even if he gave everything, he would not let go of her hand.

After an unknown amount of time, Lian Qiao opened her eyes, and saw the overturned roulette next to her faintly shining with silver light.

"woke up?"

Tan Xiu lay down straight before, but now that the red silk is getting tighter and tighter, it is not easy for him to think about it.

Lian Qiao held the overturning roulette and asked him in a low voice, "How do you use this?"

Qin Xiu thought for a while, and a dagger appeared in his palm.

"Just drop your blood and mine on the overturning roulette. As long as the hearts are connected, the contract will be easily concluded."

Lian Qiao was not afraid of pain, when the dagger slashed across her finger, bright red blood overflowed from the wound, but unexpectedly, there was no pain at all.

Not only that, after the blood dripped on the overturned roulette, Lian Qiao saw that her wound healed directly.

Qin Xiu smiled, and then explained: "The name of this dagger is Healing. The person who made this dagger once suffered from the loss of his wife. In the midst of pain and despair, he made this dagger, and the knife edge cut across the skin It won't hurt when it is broken, and it will heal quickly after a wound.

It's a pity that that person finally abandoned the dagger, and after several twists and turns, it came into my hands. "


(End of this chapter)

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