Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 543 Demon Lord, Do You Eat Hot Pot?

Chapter 543 Demon Lord, Don’t You Eat Hot Pot (21)

Lian Qiao is the girl she was born in October. At the beginning, she was willing to let an outsider girl in, which was Qin's biggest concession. Later, she nodded and agreed to give Xinmei's motherhood, so that Xinmei could change from an outsider girl to a As a concubine, the Qin family thinks that they have done their utmost to be benevolent.

Over the years, the Qin family has never pretended to be herself, and will not let Xinmei lack food and clothing, but she will not lift her to a position as high as Lianqiao.She just wanted to let the servants of the Xiangfu know who is the master of Zheng'er Bajing, and let the outsiders know who is the legitimate daughter of Xiangfu's Zheng'er Bajing.

Good for Lian Qiao, that's only right and proper.Treat Xin Mei well, that is a favor.

Qin's treatment of Xin Mei can be said to be soft and hard.

Of course, Xin Ruli understood Qin's temper, and said along the way: "Okay, didn't I just say a few more words. Xiaomei can have such a marriage, and she can marry Qiaoqiao on the same day, no one in Huangcheng will praise you." tolerance?"

"Really, I really don't care about it. It's a good thing that the one who is pretty and pretty is married to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and they are in love with each other. Otherwise, I will be very, very unhappy!"


Qin never concealed her true thoughts, saying that she was unhappy was unhappy, and saying that she was jealous was really jealous.Qin's true temperament is actually the reason why Xin Ruli liked her in the first place.

It's just that more than ten years have passed, and the Qin family still has the same true temperament, but Xin Ruli violated the original vow of being a couple for life.

After Xin Mei came to Xiang's mansion, Xin Ruli knew that she was wrong, so she was even more kind to the Qin family and Lian Qiao.Now that the two daughters are getting married, Xin Ruli is also happy from the bottom of his heart.

When Qin Shi and Xin Ruli were talking, Lian Qiao was thinking about this question: Who is this Xin Mei... going to marry?
The two daughters of the Xiangfu got married at the same time, and the red makeup caused a sensation in Huangcheng.

Lian Qiao sat on the bridal sedan chair, although it occasionally wobbled due to the uneven road surface, it was generally stable.The people in the street crowded on both sides to watch the excitement, and some words also reached Lian Qiao's ears.

"Master Xiang is really blessed. One of the two daughters married into the East Palace, and the other married into the General's Mansion. Moreover, the eldest lady and His Royal Highness are in love with each other, and they will definitely be the queen of the world!"

"The eldest lady is a concubine's daughter. She has nothing to say about her status, family background, appearance and conduct. In the future, she will be the queen of the world. But this second lady... tsk tsk, first entered the Prime Minister's house as a concubine, and later Qin Madam nodded, and she became a concubine.

What's the point? Second Miss is going to marry into the General's Mansion.General Xiang has long since resigned from office, and it is General Xiang's grandson Xiang Tong who now holds the military power and gallops on the battlefield.Although General Xiang Tong has made great military exploits, he has a romantic nature.Not to mention the place of lingering on the fireworks, but I still have to bring the top card of the brothel back to the General's Mansion..."

"That's right, I've heard of this matter even though it's been crushed to death. The top card seems to be... oh yes, it's Chao Yan!"

Hearing this, Lian Qiao couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

This plot really gives me a headache just thinking about it.

The people outside were still muttering, but they didn't know that even the slightest whisper could fall into Lian Qiao's ears.

"But having said that, although the second lady's status is not as good as that of the eldest lady, it would be too much to compare her with a top card. After all, she is also a young lady who has been raised in the prime minister's house for more than ten years, and she has Mrs. Qin's guidance. Alas, it can only be said that good luck tricks people. If General Xiang Tong's heart is not on the top card, he and the second lady are considered to be a good match."


(End of this chapter)

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