Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 545 Demon Lord, Do You Eat Hot Pot?

Chapter 545 Demon Lord, Don’t You Eat Hot Pot (23)

But if he could give up so easily, he and Lian Qiao would never meet in the plane.

Asking what love is in the world, in the final analysis, it is nothing more than entanglement.

Lian Qiao sighed softly, "There's no other way. Fortunately, Chao Yan and Xiang Tong's ending is good."

They know the original plot and look at the problem from the perspective of God.But I really don't know what will happen to me.

After Lian Qiao was full, she rinsed her mouth again.

Since the servants had been dismissed, the two of them simply cleaned up the food on the table, and then put down the curtains to rest.

When Tan Xiu came over, Lian Qiao was quite sleepy.Now that I was full, I chatted for a while, and my sleepiness completely dissipated.

Lian Qiao lay sideways on the bed, one arm was bent to support her head, and the other hand was placed casually on her lower abdomen.When you lie on your side, you can best show your slim figure.

Qin Xiu was stunned for a moment, and then imitated the pretty posture and lay on his side on the bed.A pair of peach blossom eyes twinkle slightly, the bridge of the nose is straight and fair skinned.

Who will seduce whom, it is really uncertain.

Lian Qiao couldn't laugh or cry: "The two of us don't sleep tonight, just stare."

"It's boring to just stare at it. How about we take off one by one and see who can't help it first?"

The corners of Lian Qiao's mouth twitched slightly, and she lay down straight down. "Don't play, don't play, or play without you!"

It's a wonderful wedding night in the bridal chamber, who can't bear it first? ?

Qin Xiu chuckled lightly, and put Lian Qiao in his arms: "You're just kidding, go to bed quickly, you have to get up early tomorrow."

The night outside the house filled the air, and the red candles in the house flickered slightly.The candlelight is light, soft and warm.The two people on the bed were sleepless, Lian Qiao curled her hair with her fingers to play, and suddenly thought of something, said: "Tan Xiu, are you okay? Don't worry, anyway, you are not in the previous plane." That's not the case."

Not only does she not dislike him, but Lian Qiao really likes Master Jiu.

Tan Xiu pressed Lian Qiao's head in his arms, and said in a low voice, "Don't think about it, go to sleep!"

He is very good.

After teasing Qin Xiu successfully, Lian Qiao fell asleep contentedly.At the same time, the general's mansion is not so harmonious.

Xiang's family is full of loyalty, Xiang Tong's grandmother, parents both died for the country, and General Xiang's leg was injured on the battlefield.Now Xiang Tong is 22 years old, and he is the only child of the General's Mansion.

Xiang Tong grew up under the guidance of the old general Xiang, Wentao martial arts, brave and good at fighting, he has made great achievements in battle at a young age, and he can really afford to say that the blue is better than the blue.

For this grandson, Old General Xiang is satisfied with everything, but what he can't accept is that he runs to the fireworks field every day, and insists on marrying the top card back home.The old general was so angry that he almost went to heaven, and immediately begged the emperor for a marriage.

The emperor valued the Xiang family, the old general even spoke up, how could he refuse?So the emperor looked through the roster sent by the queen about the roster of unmarried daughters from the aristocratic family, and finally found that the best and most suitable woman was Xin Lianqiao, the daughter of the prime minister's mansion.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the queen immediately said, "Your Majesty, the girl and the prince are in love. No matter how good General Xiang Tong is, he can't be better than our own son, right?"

"The two are in love? Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, can my concubine still lie to you?" The queen was really reluctant to let the girl she liked go out.

The emperor saw that the concubine of the Xiangfu was not good enough, and then looked at other girls, the more he looked, the more dissatisfied he became. "Forget it, forget it, Xin Mei, the concubine daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion if it doesn't work. Apart from being a concubine daughter, she is no worse than the daughters of other aristocratic families."

As a result, two imperial edicts to bestow marriages came down, and there was a picture of two young ladies from the Prime Minister's Mansion getting married on the same day, and there was also the absurdity of Xiang Tong leaving the General's Mansion regardless of everything even if he was drugged on the night of the wedding.


(End of this chapter)

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