Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 558 Elder Sister Is The Female Supporting Woman You Can't Get

Chapter 558 Sister Is The Female Supporting Woman You Can’t Get (6)

At this moment, Ou Qingqing felt that Zhao Hang was the number one idiot in the world.After all, Sheng Lianqiao...she was going to introduce it to Zhao Hang.

It's just that a certain client surnamed Zhao couldn't understand the wink that Ou Qingqing gave him at all, so he firmly grasped He Kui's arm with both hands, and persuaded: "Brother He, try it."

Ou Qingqing gave up struggling.

But putting aside personal feelings, Ou Qingqing admitted that Zhao Hang couldn't attract a girl like Lian Qiao.One is a sunny boy, and the other is a queen with big waves and high heels. Ou Qingqing's eyes circled around the two and then fell on He Kui.

Iceberg Beauty.


When He Kui and Lian Qiao looked at each other, they felt their hearts beat faster.

It was like fireworks were lit in my mind, crackling and blooming.

Maybe it was love at first sight, maybe it was love at first sight.But it doesn't matter, because at this moment, He Kui felt that Zhao Hang's words were quite reasonable, and he said to give it a try, just in case it works.

He was almost thirty, and he didn't dare to go home for half a year, and he was always worried that the old man would rush to his office with a cane.

After He Kui entered the box, Ou Qingqing felt that the temperature dropped a few degrees.She rubbed her arms, and asked Zhao Hang: "Let me introduce you, why don't you introduce such a high-quality man around me? Is he hiding it for his own enjoyment?"

Ou Qingqing has always been outspoken, Zhao Hang was startled, and hurriedly said: "Miss Qingqing, don't talk nonsense, if this word gets out, my brother will be whipped by the old man with a cane when he returns home. We young people are more open-minded. The elderly can't accept it."

Ou Qingqing raised her eyebrows, "Then I'll pay attention next time."

He Kui didn't speak after sitting down, but Zhao Hang sat on the other side of the sofa like a spokesperson for the queen. "Me, Brother Fu, and Brother He Kui grew up together. To be precise, I ran behind them. You all know me, Brother Fu, and I, He Kui. I won't talk about it, but I will tell you It's useless to say."

Zhao Hang cleverly only named He Kui, and then briefly explained the relationship between the three of them. After that, no matter what Ou Qingqing said, he kept silent.

Zhao Hang knew that He Kui stayed because of Lian Qiao, otherwise in such a lively and chaotic occasion, he might just take a look and turn around and leave.

He Kui's circle of friends is too small, only a few people.

Zhao Hang felt that He Kui already had an idea this time, so he had to help no matter what!

After He Kui stayed, Mu Zhizhi consciously changed positions.So in the huge private room, the lights were dimmed, and Ou Qingqing led a group of people to fight and drink, chatting all over the world, and Lian Qiao's side was deserted as if separated by an invisible wall.

Although Zhao Hang never stopped chattering, his eyes glanced at the corner of He Kui and Lian Qiao from time to time.However, the lights were too dim, Ou Qingqing and a few brothers who were too drunk were too noisy, even if Zhao Hang pricked up his ears, he couldn't hear the movement over there.

Fortunately, he didn't hear it, otherwise he would have been so excited that he would have buried his face in the basin on the spot.

Because the first sentence He Kui said was: "Miss, if I don't have the ability to give birth, would you still want to chat with me?"

Lian Qiao was amused by the fresh and refined opening remarks, and lifted her lips: "Are you testing me?"

Otherwise, how can a man say that he can't do it.

He Kui looked at Lian Qiao quietly, her eyes were bottomless.

"I was serious."

"Aren't you afraid of me talking nonsense to the outside world? Isn't your grandfather's rattan very powerful?"

"Don't be afraid, because you may not believe others if you tell it. After all, you haven't tried it. How do you know if it's true?"

Lian Qiao: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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