Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 570 Elder Sister Is The Female Supporting Woman You Can't Get

Chapter 570 Sister Is The Female Supporting Woman You Can’t Get (18)

So in a short dozen seconds, He Kui saw that Lian Qiao's eyes had obviously dimmed.I don't know if her eyes are already clear, or because of grievances, they are foggy.

In short, He Kui's heart softened, and the principal's panicked.

To be precise, the principal's three views are about to be shattered.

"Mr. Sheng, Mr. Sheng, I didn't intend to fire you. We had a good chat! I just want you to take over Mr. Gu's project, but you don't want to. If you don't want to, you don't want to. I have already realized my shortcomings Well, it’s because I didn’t think it through. In short, let’s have a good talk, don’t talk about dismissing you, I’ll give you the title of professor right away!”

Auntie, can't we just talk about it if we have something to say?

Lian Qiao sighed again. "I've said that I don't want to accept it. Firstly, I don't want to accept it. Second, Mr. Gu is my best friend's boyfriend. Mr. Gu tried to make me accept this project over and over again, and even moved out the principal to suppress me. Mr. Gu, Those who didn't know thought you were interested in me."

Gu Anchen: "..."

See through but not tell, okay?

Swallowing, Gu Anchen pretended to be calm: "Miss Sheng, let's talk about it. I have never done anything outrageous to you. I will not take this blame. Zhizhi and I have been together for six years. Do I look like the kind of person who is always on the go?"

The system arranges the opening of the plane before the intersection between the original owner and Gu Anchen, which actually has advantages and disadvantages.The good thing is that Lian Qiao doesn't have to be caught in bed, but the bad thing is that Gu Anchen hasn't shown her feet yet.

Ever since, Lian Qiao even thought about the possibility that the original owner had no intention of being interested in Gu Anchen, but just wanted Mu Zhizhi to see his true face?

Undoubtedly, this is an effective method.But the original owner didn't have anyone she liked, she didn't care about her own reputation, she felt that sleeping with Gu Anchen was like being bitten by a dog.Lian Qiao would not do this, she has someone she likes, and she cherishes herself, so she would not consider risking herself at all.

And recently Lian Qiao has been checking Gu Anchen's whereabouts, no matter how meticulous he is, there will always be something that is not thoughtful.

When Lian Qiao's thoughts were racing, He Kui suddenly held her hand.

Lian Qiao was slightly stunned, and then heard him say to Gu Anchen: "You know in your heart whether it's going on or off, but it's best not to let me know, otherwise you won't be able to afford the consequences."

After speaking, He Kui turned his gaze to the principal. "I don't know anything about the school, and I don't want to look into it. In short, what Teacher Sheng says is what I mean. Does the principal understand what I mean?"

I understand.


Gu Anchen asked unwillingly: "President He and Teacher Sheng have a good relationship?"

He had observed Sheng Lianqiao, but he didn't seem to have any contact with He Kui.

He Kui raised her eyebrows, "Teacher Gu already has girlfriends, why are you asking so many questions?"

"Teacher Sheng and Zhizhi are good best friends, so it's not too much for me to ask?"

"It's not too much, but it's better for Zhi Zhi to speak." Lian Qiao said before He Kui spoke, "Besides, He is always the person I plan to date. Your question seems superfluous and useless."

Even though He Kui wanted to protect Lian Qiao, she didn't have a suitable identity.So love is mutual giving, you give me to protect your identity, I give you shoulders to be vulnerable sometimes.

Give each other, share the wind and rain.

Because the name is right, so the words are smooth.

He Kui held Lian Qiao's hand, but it was actually completely subconscious.He wanted to protect her and do something for her.But after holding it, the softness of the palm made him distracted, and he realized that he seemed to have overstepped the rules.

Originally he wanted to let go, but Lian Qiao's words quietly gave him a reason to hold on.


(End of this chapter)

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