Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 579 Elder Sister Is The Female Supporting Woman You Can't Get

Chapter 579 Sister Is The Female Supporting Woman You Can’t Get (27)

And this is the obstetrics and gynecology department, why is He Kui here?
At that time, Lian Qiao was sitting on a chair in the corridor, while He Kui was in a suit, and was whispering to the doctor next to him in a white coat.

When she turned her head slightly, she saw Lian Qiao holding a report card in her hand on a chair not far away, with deep eyes.

"Next, Sheng Lianqiao."

When the nurse called Lian Qiao, He Kui was taken aback for a moment, and then apologized to the doctor next to her. "Just contact Assistant Xu directly for all follow-up matters, Dean, I still have something to do."

Not seen for a week, a certain teacher will really surprise him.

Obstetrics can be awesome.

Lian Qiao entered the consulting room calmly, and He Kui was only one step away when she ran over.

"Sir, what are you doing? There are already people inside!"

Stopped by the nurse, He Kui only said: "I am her husband, can I come in?"

The nurse hesitated for a moment and let him go.

Lian Qiao was not surprised when she saw He Kui coming in. The doctor pushed up her glasses, looked at the list and said, "It's true that you're not pregnant. Your friend is thinking too much."

After finishing speaking, the doctor glanced at He Kui again: "Sir, who are you?"

He Kui: "...the father of her child."

"That's it, then don't worry. Although you didn't conceive this time, you are still young, and you still have a chance in the future."

After the doctor finished speaking, he found that He Kui's expression did not seem to be regretful, so he thought it was another scumbag who was too happy and didn't want to take responsibility.

She couldn't help saying coldly: "I didn't get pregnant this time, so it won't be the case next time. If you don't want to get pregnant, you should take measures. Abortion is extremely harmful to a woman's body!"

Seeing that the doctor had begun to lecture He Kui with a more serious tone, Lian Qiao hurriedly thanked her, and pulled He Kui out of the consultation room after being scolded for no reason.

The two stood in the hospital corridor for a long time, and He Kui finally said, "We haven't known each other for a month. If we have a child, it will be before we met."

He Kui thinks that she has no way to judge Lian Qiao's past, so it's fine if she's not pregnant, but if she has a child...

Forget it, or don't think about it.

My heart hurts.

"Qiaoqiao, are we together now?"

He Kui couldn't figure it out, and he didn't know what to do.

But what he can be sure of is that if the two are together, he will definitely be angry if this happens again next time!
Not just angry, but angry.

Although he may not be very good at it, but... If you can't accept it, don't start it.He is afraid of gaining and losing again, and even more afraid of hurting Lianqiao because of his paranoid possessiveness.

Lian Qiao raised her eyes, and found that every move of the man in front of her made her feel soft.From the frank confession at the beginning, protecting her at Huaxing University, to the mistaken thought that she was doing illegal transactions, he stated very seriously that he would wait for her.

But now, even if I bumped into her in the obstetrics and gynecology department, I can rationally analyze that this "child" was born before the two met.

It is said that being too rational in a relationship is often not loving.But Lianqiao felt that He Kui's rationality stemmed from sincerity.Don't cheat on the marriage, don't cover up, bury all your emotions in your heart, and be ready to leave at all times.

In fact, He Kui's conditions are quite good, even better than that of the hero Fu Yihou.As long as he beckons, there will still be countless women he doesn't like rushing forward one after another.

Even if he may not be able to conceive.

But this is the kind of man who helplessly told her, "Qiaoqiao, you can't take such a joke", and asked cautiously in front of her, "Qiaoqiao, are we together now?".

Lian Qiao felt a little distressed, and took He Kui's hand. "Of course we're together. We've kissed them all. Do you still want to renege on your debt?"


(End of this chapter)

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